chapter 2

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I'm changing the set up for speech if that makes sense sorry you'll see what I mean.

Stiles pov:

When I opened my eyes i noticed i was in a movie theatre and surrounded by people of my past. I immediately start looking for ways to escape because I am not ready for this shit. Why are there no windows or doors? I don't like this, I don't like this at all. I start to panic and that's when a women appeared.

??-" long time no see Thomas"

Ava Paige, didn't I already kill this bitch. I completely ignore everyone else in the room and just glare at Ava secretly hoping she drops dead... Again. But I have a feeling it's not gonna happen sadly.

Stiles-"I swear I killed you I shot you in the head just like janson."

Ava- "oh you did don't worry Thomas but lucky for you I have my own supernatural connections"

Ohhhh I'm so tempted to just kill her right here, right now with my bear hands. I was planning it all out when isaac spoke up.

Isaac-" can someone tell us what the fuck is going on and why everyone called stiles a different name"

Peter- "am I the only one who heard stiles say he killed her"

The pack- "shut up Peter"

Peter- " jeez sorry next time I won't point out your best friend may be a potential murderer but if he goes phsyco don't blame me"

Ava-" stiles here is known by different names from different multi universes.
When he went missing for five years he spent each year In a different universe. The first year was as a google intern called Stuart, the second year he was Dave, then he was a CIA assassin called Mitch rapp, then of course there was the trials with WICKED the organisation that I run,
here he was called Thomas. But today I will be showing you all the important aspects of his different lives. How do you feel about that Thomas? Exposing all your deepest secrets."

Stiles-" ecstatic. How the fuck do you think I feel? Why are you even doing this."

Ava-" because this is my revenge for all the trouble you and your little friends caused. Now. No more questions everyone sit down, be quiet and let the show begin."

I'm not really a writer but if this does good then I might write more stories.
Any mistakes or ideas for anything comment them and I'll take them into consideration thanks.

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