chapter 6

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Ava-" this is about Thomas. Allll about the man before u right now. Enjoy"

Everyones just staring in shock.

Ava-" Next!"

Derek-" what the fuck. Skinny defenceless stiles did that?"

Newt-" hey! You may know him as skinny an defenceless but we know him as a strong leader who will stop at nothing to keep us safe"

Wow I love hearing newt talk about me like that I also can't wait till later to bend him ov- OKAY THOMAS! jeez control your thoughts. Dead grandmother. Dead grandmother. Dead grand-

Stiles-"thanks newtie"

He smiles at the nick name God I love his smile.

Ava-" I'll be showing u the relationships between Thomas and everyone here.
Let's start with Chuck"

By the end almost everyone's in tears especially me.

Ava-" next is Minho"

Ava-" Brenda"


Ava-awwwww what a lovely couple don't you think?"

Ohh I'm seriously gonna kill her AGAIN.

Stiles-" no"

Ava-" let's move on to the last person I wanna show u. Next is newt"

Me and newt look at eachother equally scared.

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