Chapter 9

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Jake's POV

The river slowly changed its colour as it flowed. At first, we saw Izzy's memories of all of her adventures, and all of her moments, some were sad, others were fun. After reflecting some of her best and oldest memories, the river slowed down its rate of flow. Now, its colours blended together and reflected the image of what seemed like a huge pirate ship, stranded in the middle of Neversea.

"She's got your eyes, Isidora" A pirate was heard saying from the ship. (Yes, the river also echoed the voices of the characters seen). "She's beautiful" a mermaid replied, who was holding a baby in her hands. "But, she's got human legs, she is a human, she can't live under water." she said, worried. "Don't worry honey, she'll live with me. I'll definitely take care of our daughter. I'll raise her and trust me, one day she'll be a wonderful pirate." The pirate said. "I think you're right dear, meanwhile I can help out my sister in taking care of her daughter. You know, she's christened her Marina." the mermaid exclaimed. "And have you thought of a name for our child?" the pirate asked. 

"Yes, she'll be called Isabella."

"So, Izzy is the daughter of a mermaid and a pirate" Cubby exclaimed. "And it seems like Marina is my cousin" Izzy gasped. "And stormy too!" Skully added. "Shhh guys! Listen further..." I shushed them, as the scene changed.

"Ahoy daddy!"  Izzy said, and looked about the same age as she is now. "Morning, my child!" The pirate, or her father greeted. "Are you ready to learn about the sails" He asked. "Aye, daddy!" Izzy exclaimed. "Very well." With this said, her father now seemed to be teaching her about how sails work, and how they are set. 

With the colours of the river, the scene again changed to a different day. Now Izzy was seen holding sword, meant for her size. "Very good, and that's how you hold it" Her dad was heard saying. Just then, another pirate shouted out from the crow nest. "Captain Green! Another pirate ship is approaching towards us."  Izzy's father looked out with his spy glass, "looks like they are preparing for a war. Everyone get on the deck, get the cannons ready! Prepare for the battle!" "Aye aye captain Green!" Everyone saluted and followed the orders. "Me child, get inside the cabin" the captain said and planted a kiss on Izzy's forehead. "All the best daddy" she said scarred before entering the cabin. Soon, the scene turned to a battle scene in which her dad is seen fighting fiercely. The scene again changed, to sunset, and now a sinking ship was seen. "No daddy! You cannot leave me" Izzy cried, who was standing on a piece of a raft. "No, my dear, a good captain always goes down with his ship. Promise me, you'll be a brave pirate one day" Her dad, who was badly injured, said from the sinking ship. "I-I promise!" she cried. 

"Good girl. I love you" 

"I love you too daddy"

With this, the ship sank into the Neversea, and Izzy was left alone on the small raft, crying. After a few moments, she heard a crow. "What? A green crow?!" "Hahaha! I'm a boy, little girl!" The boy exclaimed. She rubbed her eyes, and asked, bewildered "How can you fly?" "With happy thoughts" He laughed. "Do you wanna fly?" He asked. "Y-yes" she answered. He crowed again and said,"Just think about happy thoughts!" "Okay I will think about the moments with my daddy" She thought aloud. "Now try to fly!" He exclaimed. She jumped, swung her hands, but failed "I'm not able to fly" She said, disappointed. "Hmm, something's missing" The boy thought, "Are you sure that you're thinking happy thoughts?" "Yes" She replied.  "Do you trust in fairies?" "Yes! Whenever my mom came to see me, she always used to tell me about fairies she had met in mermaid lagoon" She exclaimed. "Oh great! All you need is faith, trust and......" He paused, then exclaimed, "pixie dust!" He sprinkled some pixie dust on Izzy. "It sparkles!" with this said, she was now in air. "Woohoo! Looks like you have learned flying before"  He said.

"Hehe, thanks"

"What's your name?"

"Isabella Green"

"And I'm Peter! I live in Neverland. Would you come along"

"Yes Peter!"

And, they flew off to Neverland, to Hangman's tree.

The scene again changed, and Izzy was seen playing with the lost boys. "Izzy, its your turn now" The boys chorused. "Okay!"

"Hey, is that her name?" Peter asked. "No, the fairies nicknamed her" The twins exclaimed and went on playing. "Wow, she seems to get along well the fairies" He thought to himself. "Okay everyone, I'm going to London with Tink to get my shadow back." He announced, but no one cared, since they were all busy playing. "C'mon Tink!" Peter and Tink flew towards the second star to the right.

Again, the colours of the river changed, and now turned into a scene of Neptune city. "But I really want to tell her that she's our cousin." "We can't Stormy! How do you think are we gonna explain her? And, and how would she feel?" Marina and Stormy were talking amongst themselves. "Oh wait! I've got an idea" Marina said. "What is it?" Stormy queried. "Treasure of the Tides festival is coming soon!" Marina said, excited.


"So we can honour her as a mermaid!"

"Good idea sister!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's already start preparing"

Izzy was standing dumbfounded. "You okay, Izz?" I asked her, to which she just nodded. "Coconuts, you are indeed an honourable mermaid Izz" Cubby said. "And you got all your training from your dad, the legendary Captain Green..." "Who's no more" Izzy suddenly spoke up, cutting off Skully. Her eyes were watering. "Its okay Izz, its okay" I hugged her and tried to comfort her. "Look, the colours are changing again..."

Author's note: Uff, that was a long chapter! So what do you all think about Izzy's past? And if she was of the same age when all this had happened, why doesn't she remember anything? I will answer this in the upcoming chapters. Got any suggestions for Jake's past? Comment below!

@xXRauraAusllyLoveXx thanks for your suggestion (about Izzy's father dying) you gave in the comments of chapter 7 🥺💗

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