Chapter 14

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The river again changed it's colours, and now came the scene of Jake, Cubby and Izzy playing together at the beach, until Izzy noticed something that the waves had brought on the shore. 

Jake's POV

"Way hey mateys!" Izzy exclaimed, drawing Jake's and Cubby's attention towards it. "What's that thing?" Cubby asked. "It's a baby parrot, and he's injured!" Izzy exclaimed as she picked up the bird in her hands. "Don't worry Izz, we'll  take care of him" Jake assured.

Meanwhile in Skybird island

"We first lost his parents, now we lost him" The wise old parrot sighed. "Your majesty," said Top bird, the leader of the feathered four, "We found him, he is alive!" "W-what!" the wise old parrot couldn't believe what he heard. "He is alive, the heir of our royal advisors" The birds rejoiced. "But, where is he?" asked the wise old parrot. "He was found with a group of three children, in Pirate Island, which is near Neverland." Top bird replied. "Oh, I have heard about these kids. I am sure they'll take good care of him."

In Pirate Island

"Ahoy Peter! We're glad to have you back here"  Jake exclaimed as Peter had just arrived. "Haha! And I see you've got a new friend!" exclaimed Peter as he saw the green bird in Izzy's hand. "We found him at the beach, he was injured." Izzy said. "Yes, and we treated him." Jake added. "Peter can we keep him with us, pleasee?" Cubby asked with a puppy face. "Well...." Peter started  but was cut-off by the kids, "Pleaseeee?" Peter could not deny them. "Ohkay, mateys, you can keep him. But have you thought of a name for him?"  Jake, Izzy and Cubby glanced at each other, and shrugged. Their wide smiles narrowed into a straight line. "Umm..." Peter thought for a while, then spoke up, "How about 'Scully'?"

"Scully... That sounds good!" Jake exclaimed. "Yes, Scully!" Cubby chimed in. "Yay hey! Looks like he likes the name too. He's flapping his wings!" Izzy exclaimed. "Okay Scully! From now on you are a member of our crew!" Peter said while others cheered.

The river's colours changed and blended together to another scene, where Scully's first birthday was being celebrated. "Happy Birthday Scully! We made this band

Scully's POV

Tears formed in my eyes after what I just saw. My friends had saved my life. I wouldn't have been alive without them. "Thank you so much m' mateys. I don't know what I should say." I said. "Aww Scully" Jake, Izzy and Cubby exclaimed together as I wiped a tear from my eyes. They hugged me.

"Crackers, I feel so proud to wear this bandana" Scully exclaimed. "HA! That was your first birthday gift." An unknown but a familiar voice echoed in the cave. Jake and his crew turned around to find Peter, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, with is hands folded together. "P-Peter..." 

Author's Note: I am really sorry for keeping you waiting so long for this chapter. I was really busy with my studies. But hey, I am back with another cliffhanger!😁. What will happen next? Is Peter going to be mad at them? Stay tuned:)

P.S. I am not sure whether his name spells "Scully" or "Skully". If I used the wrong spelling in the story, pls ignore it.

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