Chapter 5

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Jake's POV

After long, boring journey, we were finally in Neverland. Bucky rang his bell as we bid him goodbye. Cubby led us to Mount Destiny. We walked without talking much with each other.

*Time skips*

After ambling for another few minutes, we found ourselves in front of the cave of Mount Destiny. "My map doesn't tell us any further about the way to the Forever River me hearties" Cubby said, as he rolled his map back. "According to my book, the river flows inside the cave, which also nurtures the Forever Tree." Izzy insisted. "Alright mateys, let me open the door with my destiny sword." I exclaimed and opened the door of the cave.

Scully's POV

We followed Jake inside the cave through the slide. "Crackers! Forever Tree ahoy!" I exclaimed before Jake, Izzy and Cubby landed near the mammoth tree. "Now, where should we go?" Cubby asked and I perched myself on Jake's shoulder. "Shhh... Listen carefully." Izzy whispered. We all heard a very faint sound of a water body. "That sounds like the flowing of a river. And it's coming from there" Jake said as he pointed his finger towards a narrow tunnel. "I-I will wait here. You guys can go. I-I don't want t-to go there..." Cubby murmured and his legs were almost shaking. "C'mon Cubby! We are a crew. We'll stay together and take care of each other!" Jake encouraged him. "Oh! Thanks" Now I could see him a bit cheered.

"Yo-ho let's go!" We exclaimed.

Cubby's POV

As we walked through the tunnel, the sound of the river became louder and louder. The tunnel was dark and scary. I walked behind Izzy while she kept giving me confidence. Finally, we reached the end of the tunnel. And the place where it had led to, was beautiful. "Wowwww" we gasped. It was another cave, which was not at all scary and was incredible. The walls of the cave echoed the sound of the river, and had big, beautiful gems embedded in them. The air inside was filled with a breezy, summer smell. The aroma of the cave was euphoric. Overall, the place was so beautiful that it felt like a dream. It was truly said that difficult paths lead to beautiful destinations.

And there, we spied the jewel-blue stream just a few metres away from us. The Forever River. It glowed as it peacefully flowed over the rocks of the cave. Small gems whisked about in the under wash like pieces of glitter.

I was so mesmerised by it's beauty that I failed to notice something unusual happening in it. It looked like something was rising from under the river. We got alarmed. It was a huge snake. Larger and scarier than anything. I quickly hid behind Izzy. "C-co-coconuts" I gulped.

"Yay hey no way!" Izzy gasped. "I think this was the warning that the poem tried to gave in it's last line.

   'Don't go too far or you'll be drowned

     Where all is lost, and all is found'"

Izzy spoke up in realisation.

Authors note: After reaching that far, will Jake and his crew have to return disappointed? I'm sorry for updating this story after so long. Anyways, I'll definitely try to upload the next chapter within a few days. Please comment on this chapter. Your reviews will be helpful for me:) 

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