Alba pov

"Yeah" I felt uneasy but I already said yes I couldn't back out now. "Would you liked to come in or do you wanna go some where?" "Its fine at your place" I let him in Lilo was first to great him with a stretch then a loud meow.

I made tea quickly there wasn't much tension but it was awkward. I sat down at the table with  fresh cups of green tea and a tray of baked goods god why did you let me agree to this?! I could have said no but... I'm a dumbass !

"Alba I have feelings for you-" I need to stop him "kirishima I'm sorry" he looked at me for once in the eye's  he hadn't done that since we walked in . . . don't do that to me for the love of god those eye's are full of pain "when I mean sorry I mean for the way I acted it's just you get married thinking it's forever then your home gets burnt down and the person you truly loved is gone and you think you'll never love again but then a great person comes in and what I'm trying to say is I freaked out it all just happened and I wasn't prepared I'm really sorry" I felt out of breath and awkward it felt like being a teenager again but at lest now I don't have achene .

"It's fine I wanted to apologize for the night club incident and for what happened the day after as well" he looked away some how Lilo was now stretched out in his lap purring. "But I still have feelings for you that's why I wanted to tell you I'll try not to show up that often until I can get myself sorted out" what no you can't! Now that I'm feeling ballsy you wanna pull this stunt?! "Kirishima I want to giving it a try I'm slow to this sort of thing but I wanna try" I blurted it all out just like a band aid just rip it off at once he looked up from Lilo "w . . . what?" I sight please don't make me repeat myself. 

"Kirishima I want to try I mean . . . its going to be difficult seeing as my only boyfriend was my husband but if your willing to try and take things slow then I wanna give it a go by that I mean dating or dates and stuff like that . . . god I'm such a dummy hear I am mumbling and you pro- " my mumbling stopped all of the sudden. 

have you ever gone to the beach and walked up to a rocky cliff and looked down the waves of the deep blue sea crashing with rocks and then bam! another wave of water hits the rocks this is how it felt. My mumbling stopped because of his lips crashing with mine and it felt good it was sudden but it felt great having him so close to me just like this his lips where the ocean waves and mine where that rocky cliff. His warm hands placed them self around my back pressing me closer to him I felt his chest with my hands that where now resting there. 

The kiss only deepened with this action the need for air was the only thing that separated us my mind was blank "I'm sorry I got exited and I just went for it" do I scold him or do I pull him back into the kiss? looking up at him his cheeks are flushed red and his eyes have a spark like they were brought back to life. I cant be mad I gave in too not to mention it felt good to kiss him "Its fine so are you okay with um . . ." "Alba I get it and yeah lets take baby steps I promise ill wait as much as you need" that made me comfortable I looked at the ground for a moment before looking up are eyes meeting its silly but it made the both of us smile "when could I take you to a date?" oh shoot "well I have work tonight but maybe-" he interrupted me. 

"I know of a great sushi place close to the place you work at if you like we can go there after work?" I nod damn him! . . . I cant say no to sushi "yeah sure but do you think they'll be opened until then" he nodded "yeah I know the guy his quirk allows him to stay up for weeks so he works up until 7:30 am" "okay then after work ill see you in my changing room from there we can go anywhere you like" he smiles looking away his trying hard not to blush but the pink tint softly scattered at the top of his cheeks tells me his embarrassed its cute and his sharp teeth show making me smile there sharp but when we kiss I cant feel them his trying to be as gently as possible with me. 

(kirishima x chubby reader) mafia uaWhere stories live. Discover now