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"So you're saying those Imagined Order guys are looking for a woman?" Brite Bomber asked.

"Yeah, and I get the feeling it's no ordinary person. There has to be a reason they'd just decide to kill someone just because they didn't know where someone is." Drift responded.

"Maybe it's like a 'no witnesses' kind of thing?" Zoey said.

"Whatever the Imagined Order is doing, I don't like it. I'm going to get to the bottom of this."

As it was finally getting dark, Drift waited until everyone was asleep so he could quietly escape. He silently grabbed a suppressed assault rifle and grabbed his blades. Drift tip toed over to the door, opened it, hoping it wouldn't creak. He slithered through the small opening he made for himself and closed the door behind him slowly and quietly. Drift quickly headed up the stairs, opened the door at the top, and shut that one behind him. Drift already knew an Imagined Order base was stationed near Slurpy Swamp. That was his target.

Once he arrived, he turned on his blades; pink energy sparking from the tips. He then used the blades to climb the thick brick wall around the compound. He pulled himself all the way to the top and stared down into the compound. The coast was clear. He slowly climbed down into the compound. Thankfully there was no motion alarm or something like that. Drift stayed to the walls of the base and crept around slowly. He poked his head around the corner to see multiple guards at the front entrance.

"How do I get in?" Drift whispered.

"Hey!" A voice called behind Drift. "You're not supposed to be here!"

There was a moment of silence before Drift ducked down, kicked the man's knee in and disarmed him. Drift stared at the guard on the ground before stabbing the guard's chest with both of his blades. As Drift expected, the guard had a key card.

"Jackpot." Drift smiled.

Drift crept closer to the back of the facility. He spotted a single guard protecting a backdoor a.k.a. Drift's ticket inside.

The guard heard a small thud beside him. He looked down to see a small pebble. He looked up, confused and came face to face with Drift's swift moving blade. The guard was sent back once the blade crashed into his face. Drift walked up to the guard and slammed the blade against his head. Drift looked around for any other guards. None were in sight. Drift grabbed the key card and swiped it through the card reader beside the door. Drift quietly explored the facility. He needed to know who the Imagined Order is looking for. Drift thought maybe he could also find some useful info that'll help get the Imagined Order kicked off the island forever.

Drift turned a corner to find some kind of office. He opened the door and hopped into a chair. There was a computer in front of him that possibly had valuable info. Drift shook the mouse a little to see if the computer is on. To Drifts surprise, it was. The victory was shortlived once he saw the desktop. Drift eyes were set on a mess of folders and documents. Drift searched through the unorganized desktop until he laid eyes on a folder labeled "projects." He scrolled through the folder, found nothing of use until he reached the bottom. Drift clicked a document that read "Zero Point Crisis." The document was written by...

Agent Jones?

Drift looked around and remembered the device that destroyed the Agency. He had a vision of an office that felt way too real. This office was almost identical. Drift looked to the wall to see the same pictures he saw in the vision. This is Agent Jones' office. Drift quickly skimmed through the document. Blueprints about some sort of handheld portal device and more confusing this were displayed throughout the document. As Drift listened carefully, he began hearing footsteps.

"That's my queue." He whispered.

Drift quietly rushed out of the office and to the backdoor of the facility. Drift thought maybe if he couldn't get the answers he needed out of a machine, what if he went straight to Agent Jones. Drift ran straight back go the Hideout. The Imagined Order may have won this time, but once Drift gets his hands on what he needs, they're the ones who should be afraid.

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