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Brite Bomber and Zoey met with Drift outside the hideout.

"That car doesn't look too good!" Rust Lord called from the hideout doorway.

"Don't rub it in!" Zoey said.

Zoey handed Drift the USB.

"What were you able to find?" Drift asked.

"We don't know." Brite Bomber said. "We were kind of in a hurry."

"Well let's find out first thing in the morning."

"Yeah, I'm tired!" Zoey yawned.

The three headed inside considering their "stealth" mission a success. Not including the almost wrecked car.


It was around 11:00 in the morning. Not too early. It was a nice sunny day out. Drift plugged the USB into his laptop.

"Do you guys think we'll finally figure out who I.O. is looking for?" Drift asked the others.

The hesitantly agreed. Drift clicked the folder containing all the downloaded content and he gazed at all the names of the folders on the screen until one caught his attention.

The folder read,

"The Loop."

Before Drift opened the folder, but before he started reading, a deep humming sound slowly started to grow louder. Drift rushed outside to see two metallic silver flying saucers fly above the spire as a massive cloud that concealed something glowing followed the saucers.

"Oh my god..."


"While the island is no stranger to strange phenomena, never before have we seen anything quite like this." A news reporter stated.

The news was being broadcast to the entire island, and almost everyone was watching in curiosity. They were all excited yet a little nervous.

Sweaty Sands, also known as "Beliver Beach" became a massive outburst of applause and cheering as a massive mothership emerged from the clouds. It slowly floated over to the center of the island.

"This is amazing!" Lexa exclaimed.

Axo nodded, keeping his eyes on the mothership. He couldn't help but worry.

"Have you ever seen the movie Independance Day?" Axo asked.

"Oh, don't worry! This wont be like Independance Day. Life isn't like a movie! I'm sure the aliens will be nice!" Lexa replied.

The mothership came to a halt once it floated above The Spire.


In one of the Imagined Order's main compound everyone was crowded around a few monitors that displayed what was happening on the surface of the island. One of the I.O.'s most trusted scientists, Dr. Rue, began to play a simple tune on a keyboard with an intensely amplified sound. Just enough for the mothership to hear. Loud mechanical noises began to sound as a large door in the center of the mothership began to open. Right in the center of the ship, was a glowing red orb, illuminating The Spire. A beam was shot down into the ground and not too long after, The Spire and the nearby terrain was ripped from the island. Massive bolts of lighting whipped around the beam and then around the Spire. More and more lightning began to appear before the Spire was exploded, sending a shockwave throughout the island. The Zero Point was destroyed and the mothership stole it's remaining energy.

The cheering at Believer Beach quickly stopped and turned into screaming and panicking as every rushed to escape.

Lexa and Axo rushed to the hotel in Believer Beach. It had tons of places to hide. The two barged into an empty room on the second floor and locked the door behind them. Lexa rushed the window and closed the curtains. Axo walked over and peeked through the curtains to see lots of flying saucers seemingly detaching from the mothership alongside a few larger flying saucers that were much larger than the regular ones. Lucky for Axo and Lexa, one of the larger saucers was approaching Beliver Beach with some of the regulars.

"Looks like we'll be here for awhile. I'm going to quickly steal us some food." Axo informed.

As even more saucers were being deployed, off the coast of the island, The Foundation was falling from the air after he was launched from the Spire once it exploded. He was unconscious. Soon enough, he collided with the water. One of the larger saucers locked into the middle of the island where the Spire once stood. Now there's a crator with purple grass and other alien foliage inside of it with the water of the rivers pouring into it. The saucer above the crator made a strange noise as the lights on the ship changed from a purple to a light blue color. Slowly, a ride began to force inside of the saucer's ring. The rift ended up taking an unusual rectangular shape. Deep inside of one of the I.O. bases, Doctor Slone watched the whole thing unfold from the monitors.

"Get my car." She ordered.


Sorry for the extremely short and sort of underwhelming chapter. Just wanted to get the book a little more caught up with Fortnite's storyline. Trust me when I say the next chapter is going to be a bit better than this one. Also, just letting you know, once this book has caught up with Fortnite's storyline and no events are happening, I'm going to finally focus on the book's storyline. The book IS called Hunted for a reason. ;)

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