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Alya teleported herself and Virgo to an unknown deserted area as Virgo looked around.

Virgo: I suppose this place will do.

Alya: You're more aggressive than usual. Did the Oracle cast her spell on you?

Virgo looked at Alya.

Virgo: Oh?

Alya: I'm the founder of the spells. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Soon you'll forget everything our home, what our tribe stands for, and you'll think of one thing...revenge. That's the spell my parents cast on the constellations.

Virgo kept quiet.

Alya: You'll be blinded by hatred. You'll only thirst for blood and the existence of our home. You'll clash with your desire to take everyone by your side and go against laws and regulations.

Virgo kept quiet.

Alya: Alesia, I know you're in there, my love. If you can hear me, I still love you, whether you're Virgo or Alesia.

Virgo was looking at her mother quietly.

Virgo: You know you speak of the bad sides I have, and yet you refuse to understand why I have those traits. Why do you judge me so easily?

Alya smiled.

Alya: I don't. I understand why you have those traits. You have every right to be angry, but overthinking and overcriticizing will not change anything.

Virgo: Then what will?

Alya: Understanding every reason and then coming to conclusions.

Virgo: You have been around humans for far too long, mother. Understanding? Tell me why I was thrown away by my own tribe?

Alya: Because they feared you. Because they did the same thing you did. They refused to understand you. They refused to give you a chance.

Virgo: So then why should I understand them?!

Alya looked into Virgo's eyes. Virgo's eyes became black and full of rage.

Virgo: Enough talk! I'll end your existence here, mother, and I'll take the throne of the Virgos and make sure those petty, greedy princes pay for what their father has done to everyone!

Alya: Yes, I have foreseen this. I'll end here.

Virgo and Alya put their hands together as each one of them started to chant their own spells.




GUARDIANS OF THE ZODIAC: VIRGO'S AWAKENINGWhere stories live. Discover now