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Virgo was going through her tunnel, touching the bubbles.

Bubble 1: It was night as Alya had come home from work. She opened the door of Alesia's room and saw her sleeping peacefully.

Alya: I'm sorry that you must live such a pitiful life, my love. Your father and I had a completely different dream for you.

Virgo looked at her mother.

Virgo was teleported to the tunnel as she touched another bubble.

Bubble 2: In the chambers of prince Aries, Aruarus was beating Aries as Aquarius was shielding Aries. Young Leo ran into the room.

Leo: Get away from him, your majesty, or I'll break the walls of this castle and destroy everything.

Aruarus turned and looked at Leo.

Aruarus: You would go against me? Your duty as a Guardian? To protect Aries?

Leo: Before all that, Aries and I are friends. I'll do anything to protect him.

Aruarus: I hope you know that's a weakness. Your friendship will be put to the test soon.

Aruarus smirked and left the chambers as Aquarius and Leo went next to Aries.

Virgo was teleported to the tunnel as she touched another bubble.

Bubble 3: Pisces was introducing Sagittarius to Cancer and Capricorn.

Pisces: He wanted to visit our kingdom.

Sagittarius looked at Pisces, confused.

Cancer: Oh, I must have sensed it wrong then. I'm princess Cancer, and this is my favorite friend and ally,  Capricorn, from the Sea-Goat tribe.

Sagittarius: Pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Capricorn: I heard you speak to your dog a lot. Can you talk to animals?

Sagittarius: No, sadly, he's the only one willing to hear me out.

Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn looked at him.

Virgo was teleported to the tunnel as she touched another bubble.

Bubble 4: In the Academy, Virgo was looking at the different creatures.

Libra, who was always training along with Aries and Aquarius. Taurus, who was always trying to escape from the fences as Gemini was helping him. Leo, who always kept his distance from everyone. Then there was Scorpio, standing in front of the fences and looking inside the academy. Virgo approached.

GUARDIANS OF THE ZODIAC: VIRGO'S AWAKENINGWhere stories live. Discover now