A Brand New Olympus

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Percy POV

"Why did you stop me?" Annabeth said with irritation as we walked home to her apartment that day, "You heard what she said to me!"

"How could I not?" I had been ready to kill Calypso when she called Annabeth what she had. But, as Silena had said, killing mortals was frowned upon, "But I couldn't let you rip her head off in front of a room of witnesses." She kicked a pebble ahead of her.

"I wouldn't have killed her." She mumbled guiltily, knowing full well she was lying. I moved my arm around her waist.

"Sure you wouldn't have." She rolled her eyes as we walked into her building. All of us were gonna hang out at the apartment camp was paying for today. Everyone else made excuses to stay late at school so that they wouldn't get stuck walking home with Annabeth while she's so mad. But as the boyfriend, it was my job to console her… plus I couldn't think of an excuse not to.

Annabeth grumbled to herself as she unlocked the door and stepped inside. I followed her, not daring to interrupt her anger.

The apartment was pretty standard. The four bedrooms were a lot larger than normal so that they could share. There were two bathrooms, one for the guys and one for the girls. Annabeth's desk was pushed into the corner of the living room next to the window.

"The Stoll's and Nico in that room, Beckendorf, Grover, and Chris in that one." Annabeth pointed, "Then me, Rachel, Thalia, and Juniper in that one. Silena, Clarisse, and Katie in the other." We walked into the room she shared. It was pretty obvious who slept where. One bed had a blanket covered in sharpie drawings on it and the wall already had numerous paintings tacked on. Junipers bed had a vase of flowers on the nightstand and it was underneath the window overlooking the small bunch of trees in the back. Thalia's hunter gear was covering her bed, and pictures of her and the other Hunters were hung.

Annabeth fell down onto her bed and covered her eyes with her arm. Books scattered the floor and a bunch of diagrams were tacked to the wall beside her bed. I pushed a copy of the Odyssey to the side and sat next to her. She didn't move. I poked her side.

"Percy, not now." She mumbled. So I poked her again, "Percy, quit it."

"No." Poke.

"You're so immature." She said and moved her arm. She looked up at me with her grey eyes.

"That's why you love me," I said with a cheeky grin. A small smile flashed to her face and she sat up.

"If you say so, Seaweed Brain." She stretched her neck and kissed me while she wove her arms around my neck.

"Are you still mad?" I asked quietly.

"Very," She mumbled, "But not really at you. I'm mad at Calypso." No, duh.

"We're home! Everyone decent?" Thalia asked loudly. The front door slammed shut and multiple footsteps sounded as everyone entered. I stood and held out my hand for Annabeth, who accepted.

"Har har, you're hilarious." I said sarcastically as we walked into the kitchen/living room sort of area. The two rooms were only separated by a wall as tall as my ribcage, so were they really different?

Eh, who cares? The point I'm getting at is that Annabeth and I walked into this area, and sat at barstools at the counter on the half wall thing.

"Hayden, Trinity." Annabeth said with a bit of surprise. I looked over to my pair of mortal friends sitting on the floor of the living room.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said. Hayden shrugged, Trinity mimicked the motion. The two of them were really cute together. If only Hayden would just see that Trin had a crush on him.

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