Everyone's Nuts

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A/N- Ok there is some serious Percabeth Fluff near the end that might make some of you gag on the utter fluffiness of it.
Don't worry, still rated G 

Percy POV

You know, I should have been surprised we'd made it for so long without a monster attack. But when the girls busted into the apartment with a shaky Trinity and a limping Annabeth, all covered in some weird black goo, I went nuts.

"What happened?" I demanded and rushed to help Annabeth onto the couch. She winced as I lowered her down onto the cushions.

"Oh, nothing we couldn't handle." She said lightly. Her ankle was wrapped tightly in a bunch of cheap napkins with Antonio's Pizza Palace stamped onto them. I touched the wrappings, but she grabbed my hand and vigorously shook her head.

"It's ok, it's healing." She lied with a smile. The smile faded quickly when she looked at Trinity.

"Trinity?" Hayden said, the worry was heavy in his voice. Annabeth looked into my eyes and we had one of those moments where we read each other's thoughts.

Trinity had seen them. How? As far as I knew, she couldn't see through the Mist. She for sure wasn't a demigod; she was an exact replica of both her parents. Annabeth squeezed my hand to let me know everything would be ok.

"M-m-monsters! A-a-and swords!" Trinity started babbling away about monsters and how Silena, Clarisse, Annabeth, Thalia and Katie had killed them. Ok, maybe she could see through the Mist…

"Did you hit your head or something?" Hayden asked. His eyebrows were pushed together in concern. Hayden gripped her small hands in his as he listened to her story. In the kitchen, Beckendorf was gently cleaning off some of the goop that had gotten into Silena's hair. Clarisse was explaining the truth to Chris in a hushed tone, as was Juniper.

"Um… you guys?" Rachel said quietly. Everyone hushed and looked at her. Her eyes had that age-old wisdom look in them again, "I think we need to tell them the truth." She said

"The truth?" Hayden asked. Thalia sighed and nodded.

"I agree, it's better they find out before another attack." She relented.

"Are you sure? You could easily manipulate the Mist to make her forget." Nico said.

"Wait, manipulate the what?" Hayden was starting to look scared, Trinity wasn't looking at any of us. Annabeth was biting her lip and playing with her camp necklace again.

"We can't do that every time there's an attack." She said. Beckendorf nodded in agreement. Clarisse only grimaced.

"Percy?" Annabeth said quietly. She looked at me with those owl-feather grey eyes of hers, "Maybe you should tell them, it might sound better coming from you." She said with the tiniest half-smile. I bent my head and kissed her hand before standing up.

"Hayden? Trin? There's something you should know about all of us." I started, "You see… we're… well ok I'll start this way: you know all those Greek myths we talk about?" I asked. Hayden nodded in confusion as he gently squeezed Trinity's hands. She was still shaking.

"Well… they're not exactly myths." I said, "I mean, they're real. The gods, and all that." They didn't really react at first.

"You're kidding me, right?" Hayden said, as though he was shocked I would joke when Trinity was obviously scared out of her mind. I just shook my head.

"Nope." I popped the 'p', "It's all real. And we're kind of a big part of that world." I said. Hayden just raised an eyebrow.

"For gods sake, we're demigods!" Clarisse finally burst, "Children of the gods."

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