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Annabeth POV

"Do you have that power point hooked up?" I asked Beckendorf. He nodded.

"It's all set, ready to play." He said. We were in the cafeteria, beginning phase three of Calypso's downfall. It had taken some computer hacking on my part, some Facebook-stalking from the Stolls, and Beckendorf's skill with machinery to make this phase happen.

"Just in time too," I said, nodding towards the doors as Percy and Calypso walked in. She walked behind him to keep people from staring at her, but it was hard to miss the color of her hair, the damp gym clothes, and the embarrassment written on her face. Her lapdog, Victoria, was walking behind them, glaring at anyone looking at the group funny.

Surprise, surprise, we were the only ones who glared back at them.

The three of them sat in shame at the "popular" table while me, Thalia, and the Stolls got up in front of everyone. Beckendorf hooked up microphones and handed them to us. The room fell silent as we rolled a large white board up (for viewing purposes of course). Beckendorf aimed the projector at it.

"Hey Calypso!" I said into the microphone. She looked up at me, the green hair not able to conceal the hatred in her eyes, but they also held the triumph of Percy sitting next to her.

That was about to change. I winked at him, and he grinned that mischievous grin we all know and love.

"P-Percy where are you going?" Calypso stuttered as he got up to stand beside me, "You tricked me!" He ignored her.

"Hello, beautiful," He greeted me. He kissed my temple and wound his arm around my waist, much to the disappointment of a lot of girls in the room.

"We thought you might want to see this, Spinach Head!" Thalia yelled at green-haired red-faced Calypso. Beckendorf got the hint, and pressed PLAY.

"The first picture we've got is Calypso here, at age two when Mommy took her for her first haircut," I said with satisfaction. A picture of her popped up, sitting on a plastic unicorn, screaming her head off. Her eyes were as wide as Grover's when he'd had too much coffee. The cafeteria chuckled a little bit. It wasn't our worst picture, but there were more to come.

"Looks like someone has an issue with unicorns," Thalia smirked.


"And now we've got Calypso in the second grade giving a valentine to her first crush…" We showed a cute little picture of the little vlaca handing a heart card to a small blonde boy. The crowd awed at the picture.

"And here's what happened next," We flipped to the next picture, which was of the little boy shoving cake in her face shouting something. Probably along the lines of "Ew, girls have cooties!"

"Baby's first rejection,"

"But definitely not her last," The Stolls snickered. That got a full laugh from the cafeteria.

"Next one, Beckendorf!" Thalia called.

"On it!" He clicked a button and a photo came up.

"This, ladies and gentleman, is Calypso's seventh grade yearbook photo." Now that got some full on laugh attacks from everyone. The picture showed her with bright blue streaks in her hair, a terrible case of acne, wearing the same big, blocky glasses that my grandmother wears (no, not the godly one). She was trying to give the camera a cute pouty look, but she came out looking like a duck with a sourball in his mouth.

"Someone's been kissing a duck," Thalia commented.

"Nah, not even a duck would kiss that face." Travis retorted, making the students scream with laughter. I took this moment to look at the real Calypso. The fire in her eyes was almost as bad as Ares's that time he had fought Percy.

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