"I'm sorry." Peter spoke calmly, landing on his knees in front of Natasha. Tony signalled the others to leave, that the moment was too emotional for everyone to see."You're okay Pete." Tony spoke, landing on the gravelled space next to Nat. Reaching for the kid and holding him against himself. He pushed his head into the crevice of his neck and spoke.
"You're okay, you're okay." He then signalled for Natasha to pass him the sedative she had been holding, and while Peter was distracted, and crying against him... He pushed it into the back of his neck.Peter immediately sat up, he felt betrayed. His vision let out and his mind went fuzzy, "Why..." He asked, grabbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"I'm sorry kid." Tony spoke, Natasha had tears in her eyes as she watched Peter finally stop holding onto consciousness. He slumped into Tony and he held him against his shoulder. "Oh my god." Tony breathed, stroking Peters hair while he lay limp in his lap.
"I didn't realise it was this bad." The voice made both hero's jump, as Steve entered once again through the doorway, after Tony had only recently asked him, and the others to leave.
"May I?" He gestured towards Peter. "You're too shaky to hold him up Tones." After Tony nodded, he bent down and picked up Peter, one arm supporting his underarm, and the other under both legs. Peter's head slumped back while being held bridal style. But Tony was quick to put a hand against his head to support him."Take him to medbay in Avengers tower Steve, my car is on the street. He has cuts all up his arms." Steve nodded slow, and made a decent towards Tonys car, laying Peter down on the lap of Tony and Natasha on the backseat. When they arrived at the tower, they went straight to medbay. Where Banner was already waiting for him.
Steve carefully lay Peter on the bed, and stripped him of his shirt and jeans, before laying a blanket over his body. "I'm not close enough with Peter for the next part, if you need me I'll be outside."
Tony continued stroking the boys hair while Banner undressed the wounds on Peters arm. They were already infected, badly. But before they could do anything, Peter woke with a start.
"Hey!" He shrieked, grabbing back his exposed arm from Banner and attempting to get off of the bed he was located on.
"Kid! Calm down, calm down!" Tony shouted pressing against his shoulders forcing him to lay down."You're okay Pete. You'll be okay!" Tony continued shouting as he struggled against his grip, he was thrashing and kicking his legs everywhere. Natasha sprung into action and held down his legs, even when she knew this would only stress the kid out more. But she didn't want to not do anything and for the kid then to get hurt.
Banner wasn't capable of doing much but to look around for another sedative.
Tony called for Steve, "Steve we need you buddy!" When he entered the room, he was instructed to take over for Tony, so Tony could then turn Peters face to look at him. In hopes of calming him down.
"You'll be okay Peter, stop struggling." He spoke softly.
"Ple...Please, st..o..op. I c..can't!" Peter shouted, thrashing even more.
Tony continued to hum soft reassurances to the kid, and finally he settled. "I'm sorry." Peter then spoke, covering his arms and facing the pillow. "Just let me go."
Natasha almost cried, while Steve settled his hand on her back.
"I've got it, Tony." Banner referred to the sedative in hand, but Peter looked over. And hell reined over the room.
"He's scared of needles." Tony spoke, and in almost slow motion, the once calm Peter once again thrashed against the soon returning hands holding him down.
"Don't!" Peter screamed, he screamed so loud and for so long, a tear left Natasha's eye.
But the needle went in, and Peter was out.
"Hey Banner, do we have any of that calming sedation we used on Bucky left?" Tony asked, looking through the cabinets. "Ah, gotcha." Tony grabbed the small bottle and a clean needle, passing both to Banner. "Give him a lot, super strength. Remember?" Tony winked, Banner nodded.
The next time Peter woke it was a lot easier, of course, he was drugged. But it helped.
Peter winced as he opened his eyes, getting used to the bright medbay light. He first looked to the irritation on his arm, an IV. He leant his head back onto the pillow, wishing to sleep again and never wake up. Because he remembered everything that happened, and that was worse than dying. But he reached into his pocket, at the creation he made earlier for incase things didn't go to plan, and he smiled.
"Tony Stark has been notified of your awakening Peter." Friday spoke.
Peter groaned, and closed his eyes. Hands reaching his head as he pulled on the strands of hair, tugging. Before smacking and punching at his skull.
In regret.
And in devastation.He cried, but not like before. Before he cried for release, for freedom.
But now he cried in realisation of what had happened and what could have happened if something different occurred."Kid..." Tony sighed, walking slowly into the room to not startle the kid mid panic attack. "You're okay."
"Will people stop saying that? Clearly I'm not Mr Stark. And you know what?" Peter glared at Tony.
"You kill yourself, or you get over it. And my god, I'll never get over what was never there. My life is perfect Mr Stark. So there's one option left.""Peter?" Tony questioned, inching closer.
"In a city, so large; so excruciating large and wide, I feel so trapped." Peter clicked the button in his pants pocket.
Flames broke out, destruction and devastation grew. Peter was gone in a second, but Tony fell through the floor.
Peter had created a bomb.

Haven't I given enough? Given enough.
Fanfiction"Kid you don't have to do this." I spin my head around, all the Avengers are behind me. It's like a photo... a perfect photo. Their stances match perfectly with the view and the sky. The golden hour light spills over the rooftop like a toppled glass...