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The Seungwan National Boxing Academy was known worldwide , not only for its International Standard Boxing champions , But also for its aura and beauty. The Academy was dream for thousands . Boxing aspirants from different part of the world came to Suengwan , in hopes to be a part of that Prestigious Academy.
Well ,Its rumoured , the hardest to get in is the entrance practicals.
The Academy was divided into 2 parts - Syuqyu for Girls and Ayuqyu for Boys.

For past two years , Suyqyu was headed by Lisa , a foreign girl , the only one to make it possible in the year 2016, among 10,000 other candidates ,and , she was the only one selected . Its not easy to beat her. Her aura was filled with pride , why not? Afterall she rules the boxing club for the girls division. Love and Phone was something she avoided. She was an inspiration no doubt .

" The position of your left leg isn't correct Mina ,move it a bit towards the right  " Lisa corrected her for the second time .
She was standing , Looking at the freshers . As a President she teaches her freshers the skillfull techniques. No doubt she knew the freshers were piece of vixens , seeing how they reacted to small bruises .
"You are in a Boxing academy , Getting a bruise is the motto here , stop making it a deal " She instructed all.
"Okay , Dissmissed" .

Lisa went to her cabin , wore the boxing gloves and started her practice. she practices without any coach. She is a genius.

"LISA ! LISA ! oh yes , you are here " Xiaomi entered through the doors of her room.

Lisa didn't stop practising. Actually she concentrated so much , she didnt understand Xiaomi came in.

"LISA LISA !!!!? "
"WHAT THE -" lisa looked at her, sweating furiously .

Be it her bff or sister , she wont leave anyone , when someone barged in during her sessions.

"Lisa-" Xiaomi got cut.
"Cut the crap, Fast " lisa said , Chugging to some protein shake.

Xiaomi was accoustummed to that rude behaviour.

X : "Well its about the new President of Ayuqyu. "

L :"None of my interest "

X : "Well , He is looking for you "

L :" i said none of my interest " lisa touched her temples.

X :" See he said to meet him in his presidential cabin of Ayuqyu "

Lisa glared at Xiaomi. She was a proud bitch.

" do i look like someone who works in cooperate jobs ? " Lisa snapped , Wearing her gloves again .

" Lisa ,But- " Xiaomi again got cut.

" Tell him i am busy " Lisa started to Box again.

" this vixen !!!! " Xiaomi cursed under her breath.

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