Ch. 34) The end

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//Trigger warnings!! Major character death(again XD) Also!! This is unedited so I'm sorry for bad grammar or any mistakes!!

"Now tell me..."

Virgil starts, narrowing his eyes as he realized that Insanity was laughing.

"Oh!!! This really is priceless!! Whoo!" He hits his knee before stopping his laughter, turning a glare to Virgil, an evil smile spreading over his face. "You didn't think it was going to be that easy did you?"

This causes him to take a step back, shaking his head. "I don't understand.."

"What? That I am and always will be more powerful than you?" He scoffs, walking closer to him, reaching out to grab him and yet again pin him to the wall.

Virgil struggles against him, trying to get his hand away. "Wh-what about-?" He wheezes, not being able to talk anymore with the pressure he was using to hold him to the wall.

"Janus? Oh yeah, forgot to mention that, while I do adore him, he's actually dead. Well, for now at least. And the best thing is!! You got rid of the other reality so you can't just leave and come back like you normally do! I finally get to kill you once and for all!!"

"Like hell you'll kill him.." Surprise surprise!! Janus had stumbled into the room, a knife in his hand. "I'll kill you first for what.. what you've done to us." He wheezes out.  "You shouldn't even exist."

Insanity seemed very surprise to see him, almost dropping Virgil but catching himself before he did. "How are you alive?!"

Janus just smiles at him. "Deception remember? I'm not the dumbest dead person. Oops!! I mean alive."

"Right, you're a liar!! I almost forgot that that's the reason everybody hates you!! Even poor little Remus!!" He cackles knowing that would press a few of his buttons.

"Yeah, yeah. Liar, hated, monster. I've heard it all before. Coming from you doesn't hurt though. Mainly because I have no love or respect for you." Janus was doing really well at weakening him more.

It was then that Virgil realized he needed Janus to fight him off. That's the reason Insanity loved him!! It's because he knows that with him on his side he won't be weakened but with him being against him it does! Just like with Logan and Patton. But they both actually love each other and it isn't so they can take control of our host...

Being lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice Janus had stabbed Insanity in the chest. He had fallen to the floor from being dropped, quickly stumbling back onto his feet rushing to Janus' side.

Insanity stumbles back, glitching terribly. "Janus.. How cou-co-could you??" Insanity collapsed into a heap on the floor, slowly starting to turn a bright orange. It almost seemed as if he was turning into dust or liquid. The other two just stood in horror as they watched it happen. They watched as he stopped moving, stopped breathing, and finally, faded out of existence. He would have to regenerate, his memories would be lost and he would look like a kid again but he was finally gone.

It was then that Virgil started to get light headed, collapsing into Janus' arms.

"Virgil?! Hey, hey!! Shit... sta-" his voice faded out as Virgil falls deeper into the darkness that was taking over his vision as well.

The last thing he was able to mutter out to the panicking snake was, "Don't worry. It'll all be okay.. I'll see you soon."

Janus shakes his head, trying to get him to stay awake but choking out a sob when he falls completely limp in his arms. "Virgil... I'm sorry.." He cries for a while before slowly picking him up bridal style, carrying him back to the others

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