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Victor was rushed into town, with a rather flushed expression. After all, it wasn't an everyday thing to be inviting guests to Lord Antoinette's ball, that was being held tonight. Yet, there was a problem. Victor couldn't read.

He started to feel rather light headed, yet ignored the sensation. He furrowed his eyebrows, and had a confused expression on his face, squinting at the names that had been scrawled onto the paper. Out of all the many workers why him? What bad fate he had. Yet, he was reluctant to give up. He couldn't fail Lord Antoinette.

As he scanned the civilians looking for what you would call 'wealthy looking.' people, his landed on a pair of people that looked 'plentiful.' Two men one with snow white hair and the other with midnight black. He slowly approached the men with an uneasy feeling in his guts. The men noticed him approaching them and one of them asked "Can we help you young sir?" Victor felt a lump in his throat "W-why yes! That is if I don't cause a dilemma for you..."


Joseph was stuck sulking in one of his many rooms. Humming to a sad melody that was stuck in his head. He was suffering from heartbreak. One of his closest cousins William Ellis came to see him.

"Oh Joseph, You cannot mourn to your days content! There is a world out there!" William wailed.

Joseph rolled his eyes and huffed.

"Why don't we go out to town? Grab some lunch? Explore the world and before you know it you won't remember Michiko's name."

"Why should I care to explore the world when the only thing that mattered was my beloved Michiko?! I don't care over the fact that we had different social status's, I loved her."


After hours of convincing Joseph finally got up from the chair, grabbed a book and gloomily headed to the stables, following his rather muscular cousin. Saddling their horses and heading off into the town square.

They had both finally arrived at the town square. Joseph had erased this place from his memory to the point where all the joy and colours from town seemed like a blur to him. After all, he wanted to delete this place since this is where Michiko left him.

"Cousin, look at those chairs!" William happily strolled over to the table for two, which were under the suns calming light.

Joseph opened a book and prepared not to socialise, since in this current time he didn't need to talk to anyone.

"Can we help you young sir?" William asks with a kind smile."W-why yes! That is if I don't cause any dilemma for you..Well I have been sent by someone with a high status to read out these invitations so these guests can go to their ball. Yet, the problem is I can't read." The young gentleman fiddled with his hands.

"Ah! Well lucky for you my cousin exceeds in that subject." The gentleman let out a sigh as William turned to Joseph. He just wanted Joseph to have some self esteem. Ever since his beloved Michiko, didn't share the same feelings as him and didn't share the same social status, Michiko continued to ignore Joseph.

"Oh. Well may I see the scroll?" He passed the scroll to Joseph, having a calm expression written on his face. Joseph decided to be kind to the gentleman since it was something Michiko would've done.

"Ah, The following guests invited to Lord Antoinete's ball consist of Lady Vera Nair, Lord Norton Campbell, Sir Luca Balsa, Madame Galatea-" Jospeh carried on skimming through the names until he saw one that caught his eye. "Lady Michiko."

"Thank you good sir, I must be off now." The young gentleman smiled and headed off.

Jospeh placed his book down and turned to William smiling.

"Looks like we have a ball to crash."

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