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Y/n took a large breath, trying to contain their nerves. Helena and Emily were fixing their corset, it was an hour until the masquerade ball begun.

"No need to be so nervous y/n." Helena patted their shoulders, "I'm sure the suitor Lord Antoinette chose for you will be more than wonderful."

Y/n smiled at Helena. "Thanks for the reassurance Helena. I can't believe its happening tonight. I wonder who it is."

Emily looked at Y/n, her eyes filled with envy.

"Emily don't feel so envious. Before you know it men will bow down to you to be practicality matched with you, all for the fair maiden, Emily Dyer." Emily bursted out laughing, with a smile painted across her face. As she carried on with the task of getting Y/n ready.

As Helena and Emily were well known companions to the Antoinette's they were also invited. The masquerade ball was mainly held to celebrate Y/n and their accomplishment of becoming 19.

They wore a rather beautiful red dress, made from a expensive silk. The neck line embroidered with flowers, the middle of the dress also embroidered with a pattern that they couldn't quite tell what it was. It had slightly puffed long sleeves that felt like a velvet material. (A/N: Yes, Puffed sleeves weren't really big in fashion until 1890s but shush.) To match with their dress they wore a mask with a few flowers embroidered. Y/n was stunning.

Y/n's mother, Lady Mary Antoinette, a woman of wisdom, knocked on their door. Helena ran over to the door, making room for the woman bowing down to her. Mary smiled at both of them, excusing them to leave and sat Y/n down to talk.

"Y/n, I have news."

They narrowed their eyes trying to find what their mother was indicating.

"Good or bad?"

"Whatever way you'll take this, my dearest."


"Well. Me and Your Father both decided that, now your much more mature your ready for a suitor, and for you to be married."

Y/n's eyes widened, yet they expected this news. People younger than them were being wed.

"Well. Who are they?"

"I'm glad you asked. He is named Aesop Carl. He's rather smart and brilliant actually. Your Father picked a good one for you."

"Well that sounds appealing."

"Why yes. I must go now, I have a party to host. I'm guessing you'll be down soon my dearest?"

"Yes mother." Y/n stared out of their window daydreaming and enjoying the peace around them. After all they say a wedding is the biggest thing to happen in your life.

They came out of their room to be greeted with the melodies of, laughing and music, it welcomed Y/n. They tried to walk down the staircase, trying not to make a overly large entrance. Yet. The laughter and music toned down into silence and whispers and stares were exchanged across the room.

They finally reached the bottom of the stairs, greeting their father Lord Antoinette. He greeted them and offered his arm.

Y/n took his arm and smiled at their father. "Thank you Father."

He nodded slightly and took them over to a man with ash hair, who wore 2 masks.

"Y/n, I would like you to meet Count Aesop Carl. Aesop this is my dearest, Y/n Antoinette. I'll leave you two to get acquainted." Lord Antoinette left them to talk, as he went back to Lady Antoinette.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n Antoinette." Aesop bowed to them.

"I could say the same Count Carl." Y/n curtsied.

"Please no need for the formalities. Call me Aesop."

The music had started again, making the couples go back onto the dance floor.

"Y/n Antoinette, would you accompany me on this dance?" The gentleman held out his hand.

Y/n felt rather held back, yet ignored the feeling.

They danced, and being honest, Count Aesop was a rather flamboyant dancer. As the song came to a close a man in a blue tapped Count Aesop's shoulder.

"Excuse me, Good sir but may I dance with this rather ravishing person?" The man spoke.

Count Aesop put on a fake pleasant tone, he didn't want to yet if he didn't it may have made a bad impression on Y/n. "Why, yes okay good sir."

The music started again and they swayed to the music.

"What's your name?" Y/n questioned.

"Joseph." He chuckled softly.

Y/n had observed that he was a more talented individual, compared to Aesop.

"May I know your last name?"

"I'd rather you didn't. For now anyways."

"Oh, Well I shall introduce myself. I'm Y/n."

"Well, Y/n out of all the people in this room, your highly beautiful." The man smiled at them.

A state of embarrassment was a readable expression. "Well thank you, You're not that bad yourself." They smiled.

From that moment, Y/n was intrigued by Joseph.

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