Time Travel to the Future part 2

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   After a day in jail Monkey Man was sick of sitting there. So he escaped and returned to the base. Still proud of his new invention that he, and everyone else, believes killed SheZow.

   In the Villain Association Society there stood Cold Finger, a newly made member, and Monkey Man. They were arguing about who was the best inventer.

   "I am the most intelligent being here, as you are just a child!" Monkey Man screamed. "You're a monkey! You're not even as smart as my pinky finger!" Cold Finger replied in rage.

   "Fine! I'll just prove it to you!" Monkey Man grabbed his new invention, The Finalizer, and blasted Cold Finger. He then disappeared just as SheZow did.

   Cold Finger looked puzzled. His invention did nothing, but make him disappear! "Stupid Monkey!" he yelled as he left the building. He walked around town, noticing small changes. Like the burger place he saw two days ago was replaced with a small restaurant.

   Then he heard a crash in an alley nearby. He may be a villain, but he isn't completely heartless. He went towards the alley to see if anyone needed help.

   He turned the corner, and there lied SheZow propped on a wall holding a wound on her side. He couldn't believe it SheZow was alive!

   He hid just out of sight, since SheZow is his mortal enemy and all. Then a bright light blinded him. When his eyes readjusted, he saw a guy. He had medium grey hair, and it was currently a mess.

   "I know you're there. Come out." He stated. His voice stunned Cold Finger and he blushed, but did as he was told.  "Man. You guys really need to get that time machine out of Monkey Man's hands". The guy said.

   "The what." Cold Finger asked. "Just two days ago SheZow (from your time) came here with her partner, and we had to get them home." the man stated matter of factly.

   "I knew Monkey Man was too dumb to kill SheZow!" Cold Finger yelled. "I'll find you SheZow!" something yelled in the distance. "Let's go!" the future SheZow shouted. He grabbed Cold Finger's hand and they ran.

   "Where are we going?" Cold Finger asked. "To my house." Then they arrived at a house. The man entered, and Cold Finger did the same. "We have another one dear." He said as he entered. Then a man with blue hair and slightly blue skin walked into the room.

   Cold Finger's face flushed red. He knew who that was. "Oh God". He said. They both looked at him, and realized he was blushing. "I think he recognizes you" the grey haired male joked. "Haha, very funny."

   "You're me." Cold Finger said exasperated. "Yep, and you get to marry this hottie. Lucky right?" Tim said half jokingly. Cold Finger looked at the grey haired male, and back to his future self. He froze.

   "I think you broke him." The man stated. "Let's get you to the portal." They all walked back to the portal, and Cold Finger walked in.

   He then reappeared infront of Monkey Man and his invention. "How? You're supposed to be dead!" Monkey Man screamed. "Give me that!" Cold Finger yelled as he grabbed the invention. He then destroyed it without hesitation.

   As Cold Finger left the building, Monkey Man yelled and screamed at him. He ignored it, he was upset that the monkey was so stupid to think that was a death ray.

   As he was walking he passed a burger place and decided to eat there. As he ate three people walked in. Kelly, the new president of the SheZow fan club, and two boys. One was her twin, and the other he didn't know.

   That's when it hit him, Kelly's twin looks familiar to his future lover. He blushed as they sat down. He wondered how in the world they would start dating, but then he realized something else.

   He was SheZow. That was something to ponder about. Then they heard yelling and screaming. Cold Finger looked at their table to see the three get up and leave. That confirmed it. He was extremely embarrassed and decided to go home for the rest of the day.

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