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A - "And that class, is how you take out villains in hand to hand combat... Problem child, you and Bakugou will be sparring first, just to see how you have improv-"

Suddenly Nezus little voice plays through the speakers to gym gamma

N - "Can Izuku Midoriya please come to my office, have a nice day"

A - Sigh "well midoriya... go ahead... bring your stuff as well..."


Midoriya ran down the halls and ended up in front of Nezus Office

I - "Hello Principal Nezu..."

N - "Ah, Hello Midoriya, please take a seat, can I offer you something to drink?"

I - "No thank you... can I ask why I'm here?"

N - "ah... right to business... well, I'm happy to say that... finally, the last of the League of Villains has been captured and taken into Tartarus, so they are no longer a problem and we can rest easily, but that's not the case... we still have things that we need clearing up with the league, so they assigned me a week to get the valid information necessary, or..."

I - "or what?"

N - "or they'll take it onto their own hands... and while it is actually their job to do that anyway, not mine, I have to listen to them... so Midoriya... do you accept this job?"

I - "um... sure?"

N- "Wonderful... you start next week"

And that's how Izuku Midoriya was sent to Tartarus, in hopes to obtain information.

He walked in and was greeted to an old acquaintance, Chizome Akuguro, or as others would call him... Stain the hero killer.

S - "oh... it's the only other worthy hero aside from All Might... welcome to hell... how have you been?

I- "oh... h-hi stain"

S - "still nervous... I dont blame ya"

Izuku was nervous but remembered that the hero killer saved him, he went over and started up a conversation, they had a nice chat before he had to leave and made Midoriya swore he would make this a better society for everyone, he agreed, and wished him a better day.

So? First chapter... how do you think it is...
Leave criticisms in the comments and things...

Have a good day/night/evening/morning

A week in TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now