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Akaashi was in his final lecture for the day. This class was one of his easiest classes so most days he was capable of accomplishing work for other classes. Today was different though. This was the day that he actually had to be attentive and participate. They were receiving partners for the new project that was coming up. For the last 20 minutes of class, they would receive a partner and then mingle until class was over. Akaashi recognized the name placed next to his on the board. A slight sigh escaped his mouth as his shoulders slumped a bit. Not that he was disappointed but he wasn't exactly excited.

"Hey hey hey! You're Akaashi am I right?" Akaashi glanced over at the two-toned-haired boy and simply nodded his head. "Sweet. I'm Kotaro Bokuto"

Akaashi didn't need the introduction. It would be interesting if someone didn't know who Bokuto was. Akaashi nodded once more " Keiji Akaashi. I look forward to working with you." With the introductions out of the way, they both sat down and began to discuss their project. Well, Akaashi attempted to discuss their project anyway, but Bokuto seemed to have his thoughts on other things. Other things being Akaashi.

Akaashi was bombarded with questions about his age, where he grew up, his favorite ice cream, if he was stuck on an island what he would bring with him. All kinds of unnecessary and off-topic questions. Although Akaashi would be lying to himself if he said that the conversation wasn't at least a bit interesting. Maybe it was the conversation or maybe it was simply just the boy. The conversation carried on even beyond the classroom. Akaashi was attempting to make his way to work but there seemed to be a little puppy that had followed along beside him.

When Akaashi had entered the gallery doors he finally had to tell the other boy that he could no longer talk. Something he thought was an easy observation apparently was not.

"But Akaashi can't we talk longer? We were just getting to know each other. Isn't there some kind of way?" Akaashi sighed and ultimately rejected the boy. Still the other wasn't ready to give up. "Is this where you work?" Akaashi watched as the loud boy stood up straight looking all around the room. "It's cool, do you think you could show me around?"

Akaashi thought for a moment and surely Kenma wouldn't be too irritated if he showed someone around the gallery. It's a building that is intended to be walked around in so it was fine. Akaashi kept justifying the thought in his head. "Bokuto-san we have to put my belongings away then we can walk around." The light returned to Bokuto's eyes and his head nodded far too many times.

They both made their way into the back rooms. While walking through the hallway Akaashi could see Kenma painting through the glass panels in the wall. While he couldn't exactly make out what the painting was since it was still at its beginning stages Akaashi knew it was a painting of himself. Most of Kenma's paintings had featured the dark-haired boy. Akaashi never minded being in the paintings but he had hoped that at some point the painter would also get inspired to paint other people.

"Hey what's he doing?" Bokuto absent-mindedly lay asked.


"Oooh cool. What's he painting?" Akaashi contemplated telling the older boy what the younger was painting. While Akaashi wasn't embarrassed to be the focus of the painting it was rather odd to tell someone about it. So instead of answering properly he simply shrugged and made his way inside his office.

The room was empty but the light had stayed on. Akaashi placed his belongings onto his desk and made his way back out into the hallway where Bokuto stayed. Quickly Akaashi stepped inside the room where Kenma was waiting for him. The door opening was enough to draw Kenma's attention away from the piece. He glared up to see who it was disturbing his concentration.

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