The Outcast

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" Dude, wake the fuck up!" I yell at the blasted kid who woke me up with his damn nightmare screams. Slowly, as if hesitant , I see his dark gray eyes open. "Finally, damn i thought i was going to have to dump water on your ass." I say as he looks at me a little perplexed. Quickly I turn around and walk over to my bag to find a shirt to put on for the day, as I'm looking I can feel the burning stare on my back. On my punishments. Quickly I find and put on a Avenge SevenFold tee to cover my back.

" Okay, so seems how you are my designated tour guide, you need to show me around here. Maybe meet a few people." I say pulling on a pair of Batman Converse. I stand up, straighting my black skinnys and run my fingers through my hair. Trying to get the 'Just rolled out of bed' look out of it. Knowing it's not going to stay it's perfect self I use a little of my Aphrodite in me to get to say. Even though I despise it, it tends to come in handy with my hair.

I look over the son of Hades when I hear an auditable sigh escape his lips. " Um, yeah. Fine, okay. " He says his voice just above a whisper. He gets himself up and gets himself some clothes. I look away as he starts getting dressed. While he is doing that I quietly stuff two blades in my shoes.

" Eh hem" I swivel round too see the boy in identical clothes as he wore yesterday except the Aviators jacket that was on the floor is now on him and he's got a sword attached to his hip, I don't ask any questions. I turn, I open the door and I walk out. He is following right behind me.

I start walking aimlessly, pretending like I didn't study this places lay out and structure for hours before I came here.

" So where too? " I ask stopping and turning around to face my supposed tour guide. Instead I have a body ram right into me almost making me stumble. Key word 'almost'.

" Oh shit, I'm sorry. I zoned out and I didn't know you had stopped. " He quickly apologizes, looking down at his shoes the whole time.

"Your fine, but as I just asked. Where too? " I ask, raising my eyebrow in question at him.

He looks up at me, confused. "Wh- Oh! Um we could go to the beach, or the dinning hall, we could check out the other cabins. Um I really don't know. " He says in a low, quiet voice that makes me want to shake him by the shoulders and tell him to be a man and speak up. But I won't do that, I don't know what this kid has been through.

"How about the beach, I mean there can't be that many people there, right? " I reason, trying to ease the nerves of the anxious boy.

" Uh- um yeah. Not that many people. Okay" He nervously stutters, walking towards the beach. With me trailing behind him.

I can't but help my eyes wander. Trailing up his skinny jean clothed legs, and butt. His big, aviators jacket making him look bigger then he really is. Then his black unruly hair. He's not half bad. But I shake all those thoughts out of my head and focuse on the task at hand.

I look up and I see a few people scattered on the beach. Doing what seems to be sword fighting. I look and see that he has straightened up and holds his head high. Good for him. At least I know he's capable of some what of being a man.

I walk up behind him, lean in right next to his ear and whisper in his ear. He shivers. " I didn't know that you had to fight like a bitch to become a hero. " I say gesturing to the pitiful and sad excuse of a fight happening right before my eyes.. "I mean come on. At least put some effort into it!"

I can feel the shake of his shoulders as he silently laughs. He starts walking again, walking passed the two pansys fighting, who have now stopped there terrible what ever it was they were doing and are starting at us. I mean I know I'm nice to look at, but take a picture or something. Just quite staring.

I keep following him as he starts walking along the edge of the water, just at the edge of not touching it and touching it. I move my head from side to side. Looking around. Scanning the area around me like I was trained.

Suddenly outta fucking no where a girl pops out on us. " Hi! I'm Chloe! Offical Camp Half- Blood greeter. I'm from the Aphrodite cabin. I'm here to offer you- " She looks at Nico in distaste. " Better company, a tour and help you find your cabin once you have been claimed by your godly parent that is. " She says brightly at me, giggling a little and batting her eyes at me. The fuck? I look her up and down and scuff.

" First off, I thought all offsprings of Aphrodite were supposed to be pretty... You look like you got the shit beat outta you with the ugly stick. And anyone's company is better than yours. Plus I have a tour guide and I don't need your bitch ass claiming. So please kindly go Fuck yourself. Cause that's the only action you'll ever get. Bye bye. " I say walking off with Nico following me as I walking away from the girl standing there imitating a fish with her mouth opening and closing.

" Did that seriously just happen. " He askes me surprised and wide eyed.

" Yes, yes it did. Now let's go find some more people. " We start walking again. He is still a little perplexed as he stumbles behind me. I stop. " You're supposed to be leading me. Are you not? " He looks at me wide eyed.

" I suppose so. Where do you wanna go? " I think thoughtfully about it for a good 10 seconds.

" Take me too your training arena. "I say, knowing exactly where it's at but he doesn't know that. Now does he? Didn't think so.

" Okay, follow me then. " He says, leading the way to the arena with me trailing behind him. I really just need to fine my assiment, kill them. And get it over with. I hate demigods. Always so full of themselves. The sooner I leave, the better.

" We're here. " I look up and I know I have a creepy grin on my face.

" Time to have some fun. "
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The guy.. Another kinda what I'm thinking for S.A. Idk.

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