Tamika - Seizure

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Your Pov:

Tonight my girlfriend was coming down to Bondi to introduce herself to the boys. She had applied for the job a few weeks ago, thinking she wouldn't get in, but she did! I was so proud of her! She used to work at another beach in Australia.

I was sat in the Tower staring into space. My eyes were fixated on nothing. Just the beach. The boy's talking became distant and I felt as if I was in my own world.

"Y/n? You alright?" I jolt my head to the right and smile at Jethro. "Yeah. I'm fine thanks." He nodded slightly unsure. "Hey. Your girlfriends working here tomorrow isn't she?" I nodded my head with a smile. "Yeah. She's coming to introduce herself tonight. I'm really proud of her." He smiled.

Finally. It was the evening. I didn't feel too well at the moment. Then again, it was probably nothing. I walked through the tower breathing heavily.

Jesus it's hot.

Whippet passed me and smiled. I returned the smile and went to sit down. I was out of breath by the time I sat down.

Once everyone was in the tower I text her to see where she was. She responded after a while saying she was by the junction. She walked in and the boys smiled. "So. This is our new trainee, Tamika. She'll be on shift tomorrow morning. Would you like to say a few words?" I smiled at her.

She stepped forward smiling shyly, "Hi. I'm Tamika. I'm y/n girlfriend as you know." I saw her look at me and I tried to look up and focus but couldn't. I was looking down. My leg began to twitch and yet again Tamika's voice began to muffle.

Tamika's Pov:

I watched y/n as I spoke. She wasn't really listening or paying any attention, that hurt if I'm being honest. Jethro nudged her a few times to click her out of her little. Phase.

I watched as one of y/n leg began to twitch. Harris was watching her deep in thought. I looked at him and he smiled. "Is y/n half asleep?" Harrison joked with a laugh trying to get y/n attention. Half the boys stayed quiet. Y/n tried to let out a quiet laugh but I could tell it was forced. I walked towards her putting out my hands. "Are you alright dear?" She stayed quiet. She finally fell down on her back falling, hard, on the table shaking uncontrollably. The tower was utter chaos.

Hours passed by and I was now sat outside y/n hospital room. It was 9 o'clock. Hoppo was sat next to me falling asleep. "You can go home you know." He flinched, before coming to his senses, "No, No. Its fine. I'll stay."

I shake my head at him but smile leaning back into the uncomfortable chair.

Please wake up soon y/n.

"Um. Hello?" Someone tapped my shoulder. I jolt up to see a nurse in front of me. "Oh hi sorry." She smiled. I elbowed Bruce in the gut as to which he yelped at, sitting up quickly. He narrowed his eyes at me, grumbling before turning to the nurse who was waiting patiently for us. "Well? Is she okay?" I asked. She smiled, "She's fractured her spine and she had a seizure."

Wait? A seizure. No. I should've known. She's had one before. I should've seen the signs. I stood up and rushed into her room ignoring the requests of the nurse, telling me to stop. I burst into her room and stood next to her, tears pilling out my eyes. "Y/n." I whisper. "Y/n dear. Please- Please wake up." I felt a presence behind me that I knew so well. I wrapped my arms round his body and cried. "Why won't she wake up Bruce?"

"She will." He paused whispering quietly, "She will."

Your Pov:

I'm finally out of hospital after many weeks. Tamika has been a big help. As have the boys. I've been resting up for a few days now and I'm going back to Bondi in a few days. But Tamika only said to work in the Tower. Yes. She's been very overprotective. I think it's cute.

Thanks for the request!

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