Harrison - Hoodies (pt 2)

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Hi everyone! Before this starts, I'd just like to remind everyone that this is a part 2 to one of the chapters i did at the very start.

Your Pov:

I was sat in the Tower fiddling with the radio. "So. You and Mr Reid?" I mumbled a few words before looking up at Maxi.

"What about us?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"You know," He smirked.

I sighed rubbing my temples. I pulled up my hood and placed my chin on the table, covering my head with my hands. "Leave me aloneee." I groaned.

He chuckled. "I wouldn't worry y/n."

I sighed sitting up properly. "Yeah but I blame myself for their break up."

He laughed. "They were on the blink of existence anyways." I couldn't help but smile. He did have a point. Maybe I should talk to him?

"Should I talk to him?"

"If you want. Actually, yeah, cuz we have the surfing race, you need to ask him about it."

Harrison's Pov:

It had been a few days after my break up, I was sat at home staring at the TV on my sofa when I heard a knock at the door. "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in? Please?" I nodded quickly. We both took a seat back on the sofa a few metres away from each other. "I'm sorry about what happened."

I sighed, "Yeah well. It's not your fault."

"No but I feel like it is."

"Why?" She shrugged looking down at her nails.

"Because you gave me your hoodie."

I placed my hand on her leg. "Y/n. We were on the verge of breaking up anyways." She sighed still looking down. I lifted up her chin with my free hand and stared into her strikingly your eye colour eyes.

She smiled at me. I let her chin go because I knew she had something to say. "Thank you." She whispered. "Also the boys wanna know if you'll come to the surfing race with us?"

He smirked. "Your going?"

"Of course. Only to beat the boy's though."

I smirked again, this time I got her to giggle, "You won't beat me."

"We'll see about that one Reid."

"Yes we shall y/l/n."

Your Pov:

I watched as Harrison walked up the tower stairs with a small smile. "His still not over her." Hoppo stated dimly.

I looked over my shoulder and sighed. I wish he was. I just want the happy old Harrison back. He walked in and sat on the table next to me. "Ready to have your ass kicked?" He joked.

"Totally." I eye rolled.

We all headed out towards the water and waited for the perfect wave to come in. We paddled out to the rocks but stayed in the middle of the sea.

I was against Luke, Jake, Harris and Reidy.

Hard. I know. We began to paddle and i was coming in second. "Come on Y/!!" I heard people shout. We were all stood up on our boards now. I watched as Harris came in front of me, so I slid in between him and Reidy and rode one of the waves in.

"Yesss!" I exclaimed happily, as I ran in, high-fiving the boys.

"Well done Y/n and Reidy." Hoppo congratulated us. "You will be going up against who ever wins this round."

Harrison, Maxi, Joel and Jethro went out in this one. The third group were, Whippet, Jules, Deano and Mouse. They were all really good at surfing so to be honest, I didn't know who would win.

The second team all paddled out and began to surf. I noticed Harrison was shouting at Maxi to move and looked slightly agitated. "Is he okay?" I ask Hoppo quietly. He peered through the binoculars and stayed quiet.

He stayed still before shouting over Whippet. "You're gonna have to go out to him..." There voices became distant as I snatched the binoculars off of Hoppo. Harrison said something to Maxi before getting knocked off.

I dropped the binoculars, grabbed my board and ran out. I can't loose him. I quickly paddled out, shouting his name. Jules and Joel hadn't noticed and were close to the shoreline. Maxi was trying to find Harrison and Jethro was just paddling over.

"His gone under!" I shouted. Suddenly. And out of nowhere. We heard a loud splash and heavy breathing. We all quickly turn our heads to see Harrison lying on the rocks, struggling to breathe.

"Jethro paddle over to Hoppo. Tell him to get the rhino and defib ready." Jethro quickly caught a wave back in and i saw Hoppo run off with someone else.

Maxi and I paddled over to Harrison. We placed him on my board and I got onto Maxis. "Right lie down. And hold onto Harrison and the board." I nodded my head.

Hoppos Pov:

I drove the rhino back just as y/n and Maxi placed Harrison down. We began cpr and Jules brought over the defibrillator, charging it up.

Y/n was sat next to Harrison as Maxi did cpr. "We're gonna need the defib." I stated. Y/n looked up and looked back down at Harrison with a sad look.

Maxis Pov:

As the ambulance took Harrison away I put my hand round y/n. I knew it was my fault. We shouldn't of been arguing.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered. She placed her head in my shoulder beginning to cry.

"What if he's not okay?"

"Come on shh." We walked back into the tower, with my arm round y/n. Everyone looked at me as we leaned against the table.

"What were you two even arguing about?"

I sighed as I rubbed y/n back. "He told me to move. And i was like no I'm not even by you. Then I called him a twat. And he flicked me off. And we just weren't happy with each other." Hoppo just nodded staying quiet, nervously holding his thumb close to his face.

I took y/n back to her house, apologising again and again. No one knew but I decided to go to the hospital, just to check on Harrison.

When I got there, he was asleep but conscious. I rang Hoppo just to tell him to alert the boys. I sat down next to him and sighed. "Sorry mate. Maybe this break up has took its..."

He laughed quietly. "Yea. I think it has." My eyes widened and I looked up to see Harrison move around and try to sit up wincing slightly. "It's not your fault." He smiled. "I was in a bad mood."

"You really loved her, hey mate?" He frowned slightly.

"No not really."

I looked at him and frowned too. "Well. Let's not focus on her. Let's focus on you getting better." He nodded with a smile.

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