II: The Escape

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          Finally, the time has come! I sighed with relief, not knowing how long I waited. The guard was now taking his shift and a new guard will come out.

            When the guard that left, to take his break, I started counting.....

           One Mississippi 

           Two Mississippi 

           Three Mississippi

           Four Mississippi

           Five Mississippi

           Six Mississippi

           Seven Mississippi

            Eight Mississippi

            Nine Mississippi

           Ten Mississippi..............

           I stopped counting as I witnessed the horrid face of my new guard as he arrived. Hina took no risks, to make sure I don't escape; she placed nothing in the room which I was held captive in. There was only the guard, a table with some food (probably so Hina doesn't have to worry about the guard taking a quick snack upstairs leaving me unattended), a bottle of wine, and a glass with half a cup of wine inside, and of course ME. Also, Hina put me in a small room, probably because she thought it would be easier to watch me, if there was less space in the room I was occupied in. 

             An hour later......

             ''Almost six days held captive here, how does it feel?''  The man on guard asked me. 

             I stared at the man and that's when I realized that the man on guard was drunk. A grin came up on my face as I knew this was the perfect opportunity. There was no need to count how long the next guard takes to come; Hina just messed up her plans by making the guards drink while they watched me. I can't believe I didn't notice this till now. 

             ''Your parents must have been so stupid to trust Hina. Who knew the king and queen can be fooled so easily.''  The man murmured as he kept walking around in a circle, with a huge grin on his face. He was drunk as ever! 

            ''Poor little girl, girls your age have a boyfriend, go to parties and have fun but as the princess you must have more entertainment and enjoyment then the regular teenage girls. Right?'' The man pointed his finger at me when he said right and then started to laugh. The man was laughing so much, he was crying.  

                This made me so frustrated and my hands then turned into a fist. The man was laughing at my pain. He was laughing and mocking at my miserable life and the fact that I am an orphan. But, why should I care? I don't need any ones sympathy or charity.

                  ''Oh look, it seems like my work here is done,'' the guard stared at he looked at his watch in excitement.

              ''Oh, no!'' I whispered. In my anger I totally forgot about the shifts. I lost this perfect opportunity but I still had a chance. The guard was preparing to leave, as I inspected the small room which made me claustrophobic. 

                 ''That's it!'' I said in excitement as a lightbulb in my brain just lighted up! For once in this past week, I let out a short smile.

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