XIV: Frenemy

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     What are they doing here? All this time we were wondering and worrying about where Hina is, and out of all places she's here! Why? And how is Edward here? These entire questions were running through my mind! 

     "We should ease drop on them? I have a bad feeling about them being together. Edward was supposed to return tomorrow, if he's here that means there definitely planning some sort of conspiracy." 

     "You're probably right." Jayce nodded in agreement, as both of us secretly made our way to a table behind where Hina and Edward were sitting. We tried to hide our faces, so we wouldn't be recognized as we took our seats. Jayce and I did a good job at being quiet so we can hear on their conversation but with all the noise around us, we couldn't even make out a word. 

     I still didn't understand why Hina and Edward would be here out in a public place. If someone sees Edward, won't there be questions since his arrival was earlier than expected. Or maybe everyone already knew but his arrival but me but how can news like that, skip right under my nose. 

     "Jayce, why are you and Evelyn sitting here together and without us? This is a double date and the last thing I recalled is that you’re my date!" Bianca barged in, creating a ruckus. Our cover was blown and Hina and Edward turned around to see the commotion. Bianca in her attempt to be with her 'date' grabbed Jayce by his hand and pulled him towards her.

     "I know you're upset but now is really not the time?" Jayce tried to use whatever means to calm down his overly possessive date. 

     "Oh, Evelyn. I never knew I would be bumping into you. What a pleasant surprise." Hina said after she recognized us. 

     "Let's skip the act, and why don't we get to the part where you tell me why Edward is here?” I skipped all the small talk and got straight to business. I knew she wouldn't spill a word but it was worth a shot. I despise humans like Hina, who act all nice and sweet. As long as it drops the act and we can talk like enemies then all is right with the world. 

     "For the wedding of course. It's not a wedding without the groom to be. Now, did I hear that you’re on a double date." 

     "Yes, ma'am." Bianca replied in a respectful manner. Just another one of Hina, a fake.”

     "Adrian, I never knew you liked Evelyn. Since when did this happen?" 

     "Ahh, it’s kind of a long story."

     "Oh really. I never noticed, and how about you Jayce. When did you and Bianca begin to like each other?" Hina started asking all these questions about our 'dating' lives which was strange. Knowing Jayce and Hina was a couple and Jayce and I was a couple too. Now that I mention it, he dated every girl that's present right now. Me, Hina and Bianca. For some reason, I got jealous. Jayce was my first boyfriend and knowing he had three or maybe even more girlfriends made me feel a little awkward.. 

     "Since we first met. It was love at first sight!" Bianca grabbed Jayce’s arm in joy. Oh, please. Love at first sight. How ridiculous! For a second I felt bad for Bianca. A one sided love isn't easy, that's for sure. 

     "Sorry, for interrupting both of you. It looks like you were in the middle of something important. Will be leaving now?" Jayce was the first to say the goodbyes which I didn't understand, why? We had to know what Hina and Edward were talking about. We can't leave? It was too late though; Jayce already turned his head and gave me a signal so I knew I should just follow even though I didn't think that was the right thing to do at the moment. As I passed, Hina gave me one of her evil smirks before I left the restaurant.

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