Personal Assistant-Employee ~Chapter 7~

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–Sunday December 17th, 11 am–

Charles had just woken up, and decided to go for a walk. Though it was snowing outside, he still went because he didn't plan on running or jogging. Just a walk. On his walk he started to think about his two best friends, Brandon and Lee. It had been a couple days since he spoke to them. Maybe because he was upset with them about the whole gang situation. That's when he remembered Lee's black eye. This leader of this gang was hurting Lee, but acting as if nothing happened wasn't helping at all. Charles wondered if anything happened to Brandon.

He decided to walk to Brandons house. It was a couple of blocks away from Charles's house, but he managed to make it there. Brandon lived in a condo with his dad and little sister. Charles didn't see any lights on or blinds opened, so he just decided to text Brandon. 

C: Hey man, I'm outside. I need to talk to you.

Brandon doesn't reply. Charles decides to send another message.

C: Brandon?

Still no reply.

Charles goes to his phone app and calls Brandon.

*phone picks up*

"Hello." Brandon yawns into the phone.

"Hey, it's Charles, put some clothes on. I'm outside and we need to talk."

"Oh, um okay." Brandon gets up.

Charles waits for about two minutes, then hears Brandon's front door open. Brandon walks down the steps and approaches Charles.

"Hey, what's up?" Brandon says.

"Hey, uh have you spoken to Lee recently?" Charles asks.

"No, why?"

"Just wondering because I saw him a couple days ago and he had a black eye."


"Oh..that's all you have to say?" Charles almost yells.

"Look man, Lee ain't have to get that black eye if he hadn't tried to pick a fight with his men bruh."

"Oh, so you were there when it happened!"


"Wow, okay. Alright.." Charles began stepping backwards to leave.

"Where you going man?" Brandon called out.

"Where do you think?" Charles yelled.

Brandon thought for second and figured it out.

"No, Charles. Don't you dare!" Brandon yelled back.

Charles looked back and stared at Brandon intensely, but continued to walk.

Charles began running at this point, as he looked for this so called gang. He knew where the gang sometimes met up because he followed Brandon there one time. It was around some abandoned building. Charles made it there and no one was there to be seen. He tried calming himself down, but was so furious. 

God, what am I thinking? Charles thought to himself. I can't, I can't do this today.

After fifteen full minutes, Charles was back home. It was now around twelve pm. He noticed the snow began to come down harder and hoped he could still drive to the event. Mr. and Mrs. Bond had left to visit a friend, so Charles was home alone with his dog, Dempsey. Charles made sure to feed Dempsey and they just chilled. 

Around this time, it was three pm. Charles checked his phone to make sure he had the address put in on Google Maps. After that, he began practicing on what he would say if he won. He wondered if he should braid his hair back. As weird as it sounds, but Mrs. Bond taught Charles how to braid at twelve years old and Charles was very good at it. As he contemplated if he should braid his hair back or gel it to make silky curls, his phone alerted him that it would take an hour to get to the event. Charles hurriedly decided to just gel his hair and braid it back. He got dress into his suit and grabbed his bag. Charles thought if he leaves his house at three thirty, he'll have thirty minutes to get situated inside the building. As he did his final search through his room to make sure he had everything, he grabbed his dad's car keys and left the apartment building. He hopped into the Mercedes – Benz G–Class and drove off. It was snowy but not as bad as earlier that day. The drive was long but made it better as Charles listened to his favorite playlist and vibed with the music. 

Charles arrived at New York City's National building. It was packed with so many people. I guess I wasn't the only one who decided to come early. Charles thought to himself. There were people waiting outside, a long line in fact. As he looked for a parking space, all heads turned his direction and stared at the car. Charles finally found a parking space and afterwards, got out and locked the doors. Charles looked very handsome and like a business man in his all black suit. The red dye in his hair really brought out his appearance. The sun was setting and everyone's skin glowed. Charles couldn't help but smile as everyone looked at him with awe. Making his way to the back of the line, he is greeted by many people. He introduces himself and waits patiently in the line.

By this time, everyone is seated in a gigantic room with prepared tables, candles lit, high chandeliers, and servers walking around, asking for beverages orders. The room also has a stage, which is where Mr. Tep makes his appearance.

"Good evening, everyone!" He says, into a mic.

Everyone stops what they're doing and applaud him. The lights were dimmed and the event began. 

Charles was enjoying the event so far. Mr. Tep is a friendly man and has a comical side to him. He had basically talked about how he always imagined having a personal assistant–employee, but not for the matters everyone thought why he wanted one.

"In my early childhood, I was abandoned by my entire family. They left me at a train station in New York with one plastic bag that consisted of one tooth brush and a pair of pants. I never got over that feeling of loneliness until I developed a company. My company strived to it's fullest and there on out, I was given many opportunities to expand it. I was on my own at time, well with my ten employees who have stayed with me ever since. Now, I am the wealthiest man in New York, and I've just thought of this life changing assistant idea and wishes it the best for whoever becomes my personal assistant–employee." Mr. Tep explains.

After his speech, the ten employees that stayed with Mr. Tep for so long, appeared on stage and shook hands with him as a some paparazzis took photos. It was nine pm when everyone was announced that the winner will be told to come on stage at the sound of their name. Silence had filled the room and Charles began to feel like he went deaf for second.

"...Charles Bond." Mr. Tep said pleasingly.

Everyone made space around Charles and gasped silently. Charles was speechless, and a bright light shined over him, revealing his appearance. Applause began and everyone cheered. Charles grinned and made his way to the stage. Paparazzis quickly rushed over and took many pictures at once. 

"Congratulations, Charles." Mr. Tep greeted Charles with a hug.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Tep. It is truly an honor." Charles parted from him and shook his hand one more time. 

Charles was seated back down and Mr. Tep talked about Charles's wonderful application. 

At the end of the event, Charles was asked to stay behind and was offered a free tour of the entire state building. Mr. Tep and Charles walked side by side and Charles admired everything he saw. Charles admired the technical and computer science offices and rooms the most.

They reached the end of the tour and Charles was given the information to his new job as Mr. Tep's personal assistant–employee. 

"Okay, thank you, again, Mr. Tep for this opportunity. I won't let you down, see you soon." Charles said, gracefully.

"Of course, excellent job. Bye." Mr. Tep began walking to the building.

Charles got in his car, and told his parents the exciting news. He even made an instagram post and sent a picture of the certificate he received to Layn. After that, he drove back home and played his music.

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