Meet Me ~Chapter 9~

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It was now the weekend and Charles easily got used to his work schedule. His dream from a couple of days ago still haunted him, but not as much. Charles opened his computer and logged into the school website. There was a notification that said, School will be opening back on Monday, the 24th of December. That is Christmas Eve so we've decided to have the school opened for a couple of hours. These hours are between 9 am-12 pm. During them, students will be allowed to catch up on work if needed or talk with their counselors and teachers. This is a one-time thing since the school had to be closed for last week. Take this time to consider and have a great winter break, Merry Christmas, and a happy new year! Charles didn't have any catching up to do because he wasn't behind on anything. His school counselor had been away for vacation already so that last part didn't really apply to the students in his class nor him. 

One thing Charles did make sure to do was to check if Layn had anything to do. He figured she might since she is a bit still new to the school. He quickly called her.

*phone picks up*

"Hey," Charles said.

"Hey, Charles. What's up?" Layn replied.

"I was calling to see if you saw the latest notification on the school website."

"Oh, nope. I haven't so let me log in real quick."


"Uhh, yep. I see it now."

"Alright, cool. Do you need help on anything or are you pretty caught up with the class?"

"Well, I just have some questions for my Geometry teacher, Mrs. Jones, about the portfolio item coming up. That should be it though."

"Cool, cool. Well, you need a ride?"

"It's fine, Charles. I know you want to be nice but I–"

"Oh geez, don't tell me you might just walk. Really, in this snow! Stop playing before I turn your contact name in my phone to Elsa or Anna with a snowflake by it." Charles laughed.

Layn laughed and decided for Charles to drive her there on Monday morning. 

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." Layn said.

"Of course and after we could go to the café," Charles questioned.

"Yea, definitely." Layn agreed.

Monday morning, Charles got ready and started up the car. He picked up Layn and made their way to the school. As a couple already, they were the goofy type. They literally laughed at anything together but in that cute way. 

"So, how are you liking the job?" Layn asked as they approached a stoplight.

"It's great. Nothing too hard or complicated. I basically just do stuff for him and he gives me the opportunity to learn how things work for his business, technology-wise." Charles replied.

"That's good, I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, bae.

They finally reached the school and went to a sign-in area. Charles followed Layn to Mrs. Jones's class, which is where they found her, grading some papers.

Charles let them be and sat in the student lounge. While waiting, he received a text from Lee. Hey, Brandon just texted me and he wants to meet somewhere. What should I do? Charles read the message a couple of times and decided to text back. Tell him to meet you at the café at 10 near my place since that's the only place you could think of. Charles replied. Brandon agreed and Charles decided to walk back to Mrs. Jones's class to see if Layn was ready to go. She was and they left the school, heading to the café. 

Arriving there, Lee stood there waiting at an outdoor table.

"Isn't that Lee, your friend?" Layn asked.

"Yeah." Charles sighed, putting the car in park and switching it off.

"Uh, so you guys meeting up or something?" Layn hesitated.

Charles sighed once more, contemplating if he should tell Layn what's going on with Brandon. Then that dream flashed back into his head. However, Charles didn't care and he decided to tell Layn anyway.

"Ok, so here's what's happening. Lee and Brandon are in some gang, but Lee was kicked out. I  found out that Lee had been beaten up very badly and Brandon did nothing to help. He is now still in that gang and we need to convince him to leave."

"Gang? Wha–" Layn said.

"This leader of their so-called gang paid them to do crazy stuff like rob places and steal from people. Now that Lee is out, his uncle is there for him and helps his family financially. I'm not so sure what Brandon uses the money he gets. I only knew that Lee used it to help his family. Brandon lives in a good neighborhood and stuff so–"

"Charles! Are you serious? A gang? Why are you friends with them? Something bad could happen." Layn said.

"I've been friends with them since like, I just really want to help them, you know?" Charles spoke quietly.

Right there, he wondered if he should read her mind. He hadn't done so since they first met, but he really wanted her opinion on this situation. I say we leave and let them figure this craziness out by themselves. Layn's mind read. Ugh, she doesn't understand, Charles thought to himself.

"If you'd like, I can drop you off at your house now and come back. However, I do need to help Lee and Brandon in this situation right now too." Charles spoke briefly.

"No, it's fine. But I'll wait in the car, okay?" Layn suggested.

"Alright, I'll bring you back something." Charles got out of the car and locked it.

Approaching Lee, Charles was told that Brandon should pull up any time now. Lee and Charles waited casually until Brandon shows with a gang of people in a low, beat-up car. Brandon signaled Charles to come here and Charles did.

"Look, homie. Imma need you to leave me alone. Ion know what kinda investigative game you tryna play, but you gonna leave me and my business out of it! I came here to see Lee, not you. Alright, leave me alone!" Brandon got aggressive and hit the outside of the car door.

Charles didn't even flinch and said nothing. He looked at Brandon closely and read his mind. 

Dang it, Charles! I'm not playing with you. What is it gonna take? You really don't wanna mess with these people, dude. Just leave!

The car drove away shortly after.

"Ugh, I don't know at this point." Charles walked back over to Lee.

"We gotta do something, man." Lee leaned against the wall.

"Brandon doesn't even wanna be bothered with." Charles grunts.

"How you even know?" Lee questioned.

"The way he spoke to me, duh." Charles lied, blocking out the fact that Lee doesn't know he can read minds.

"Honestly, Lee. I don't want you caught up in this stuff. Things just started getting good for you with your family and stuff. If you wanna back down from this, please do."

"See, I didn't wanna say anything at first because I thought I would be being a horrible friend, but I really don't want to be in this situation. Not because Brandon didn't have my back that one time but because I'm tryna do better and he obviously doesn't want help, right?" Lee said.

"It makes sense for real. I honestly don't know what Brandon's deal is either." Charles agreed.

"Well, whatever happens, you be safe out there," Lee said, about to leave.

"Yeah, for sure," Charles said, walking into the café. 

Layn patiently waited in the car for Charles to come back. She quickly saw him coming with a bag and coffee in one hand. Arriving in the car, Charles handed Layn the coffee and bag.

"Thanks, so everything good?" Layn asked.

"Yeah, it's good." Charles said.

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