•the after math•

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The next few days go by but for a few people, it just stuck. Y/n was obsessed with what had happened on prom night but couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous about Mike. She also thought about how in the world she became prom queen... and Adam prom king.

Who actually did it?

Y/n was sitting in her room when she got two knocks on her bedroom door. She walked over to her door and cracked it open.

"Open the door dumbass," Marren said as she pushed open the door with Louise trailing behind her. Marren flopped down on Y/n's gray-covered bed and did her classic pout.

"Mike's pissed."

"Yeah, I could tell by last night."

"But Louise was a part of the whole mess."

"Marren, stop telling lies!" Louise slammed her hands down in her lap as Y/n whipped around to look at Louise.

"What did you do?" Y/n crossed her arms over her chest and did the mom's stance that moms do when they're mad.

"Ask them, " Louise pointed her hand towards the door to show a sad-looking Charlie and Fulton with a pissed-off Adam standing behind them.

"First off, we are sorry." Charlie clapped his hands together and he went to go sit next to Marren but when he did she just shoved him off the side of the bed which led to a loud thump.

"What did you guys do?" Y/n rubbed her eyes before Charlie and Fulton started to explain.

"We may or may not have sent in hundreds of votes for you and Adam to become prom king and queen." Charlie looked down into his lap while Fulton leaned against the door frame.

"What!? And you knew I had a boyfriend! Mind that, a very overly protective boyfriend!"

"Toxic boyfriend, " Marren fake coughed into her hand as Y/n shot her a death glare.

"Look we are sorry! We didn't know he would react like that!" Fulton tried to explain but not without Y/n interrupting him.

"And I get that but you guys know how intense Mike gets. We've finally broken up but I have no idea what he's gonna do. I'm telling you guys he's mad and if I know him well enough he's going to do something bad, " Y/n relaxed a bit but still had a worry in her head now about what Mike is going to do. "But thank you guys for doing that for me and Adam. It was pretty sweet of you guys." Y/n looked over at Adam who had his head down smiling towards the ground. But Charlie and Fulton were currently high giving and celebrating their win.

"Wait, how was Louise involved?"
Y/n look over at Louise who sighed and let her head hang.

"They told me at lunch one day and I couldn't stop it because the votes had already been counted." Y/n understandably nodded her head at the situation.

"Just watch your back guys. Mike is scary when mad." Marren leaned back on her arms as Fulton and Charlie looked at each other with tons of worry in their eyes.


The next day at school the two boys were on high alert because word has it Mike found out who played the dirty trick. Mike was storming into the ice rink where the ducks were having a small little game between themselves.

"Conway, Reed! You better run!" Mike walked into their eyesight and the boys started to freak out. All the ducks looked around at each other confused about why their captain and left center (I think I got that right from the movie?) were bolting off the ice.
Mike ran towards the other side while the two boys tried to balance themselves on the rubber floor while standing on their skates. Mike was faster since he was running on his two feet and he wasn't freaking out. Charlie and Fulton ran into the locker rooms and hid behind lockers while Mike slammed open the door.

"Where the hell are you guys? Come out and be men!" (ew mike is one of those guys.) The boys were about to piss their pants as Mike turned the corner and came face to face with them. "What the hell makes you guys think that you can just go set up my girlfriend with other guys!?"

"Well, you broke up with her so, ex-girlfriend." Fulton tried to make a joke but that just led to an almost punch to the face until Mike's powerful arm was stopped.

Mike looked back to see Adam smirking and holding Mike's arm back from punching Fulton. "It wasn't their fault dude. It was just some silly joke they were doing. Plus, she's not even your girlfriend anymore, she's mine. So back off and go fuck some other girl, 'k?" Adam let go of Mike's arm who looked dead and defeated. He sulked out of there defeated and bummed.

"What do you mean by 'yours' Adam?" Charlie questioned Adam as he started to blush and tried to hide it.

"I- nothing. How about thanks Adam for saving our lives?" the three boys all chuckled and went back onto the ice to continue their make-up game of hockey. But Adam couldn't go back out there without thinking about who was his now, and yes, it was Y/n L/n.

DONE! well there's still epilogue BUT STILL, DONE!
this was fun to write and the epilogue is cute so yay:)
& sorry it's not very long. i'm running out of ideas

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