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" Hyung, why are we even here ?"

The radiant sun soars high by in the sky, shining at its brightest. The trees standing tall, swayed themselves in a warming breeze. The seven boys stood there, dressed up in their summer clothes along with hats and other accessories.

The idea arose from the oldest's mind, he was the one to drag all of them to the not so steep mountain, behind the cottage. Saying it'd be fun to do some outdoor activity before they finally return back to their city lives tomorrow.

" We're here for hiking." He wipes the sweat off his forehead. They haven't even started their journey yet and the sun is already giving them a hard time.

" I don't think so, its safe for Jimin." Yoongi, the overprotective father spoke and Jin rolled his eyes at that. It was disgustingly cute.

" The top isn't that far and neither is it too steep." He scoffed, right at Yoongi's face. Of course he had taken Jimin's condition in consideration before making a plan.
" Yeah, I can manage hyung." Jimin tries to stop the older from worrying. He never got used to so much care that he has been receiving in the past months.

Somewhat satisfied by Jimin's assurance, Yoongi finally decides to join them.
" Wait, before we go let's divide into teams."

" Teams ? For what ?" Yoongi interrupts again.
" Just to see who'll reach the top first." Jin said in a challenging voice. It's all a part of his plan and he need to execute it little by little in a subtle manner.

" The teams are the same as the roommates."

" That means I'm alone ?" Hoseok asks with a sad frown.
" You can join us." Namjoon offers with a smile and Hoseok gladly accepted it. Just in a while, everyone is standing in pairs. Jimin, Yoongi; Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin Namjoon, Hoseok. The three teams are ready to go.

" Now, everything's settled. Let's go on our way." There are many different paths to reach the top so, all the teams went their own ways.

Yoongi just decides to follow behind Jimin, not saying too much. He'll stay in the back, so if the younger accidentally slip or just trip on air, he'll be there to catch him.

He silently follows behind like an obedient puppy, watching Jimin with a foolish grin as he tries to find their way up. All the time, the omega's hand rests on the top of his bump with a protective grip and that just make him feel so happy.

" It's so hot." Jimin stops in his track to catch his breath, it sucks to be pregnant. You get tired so easily even after a bare minimum task and now, his feet are hurting too.
" You want some water ?" Jimin nods to that. Yoongi came with full prepration, his bag filled with so many water bottle and snacks for the younger.

" Thank you." Jimin gulps down a whole bottle in one go, it's like even the sun has increased it's heat on purpose today.
He hands the empty bottle back and get back on his path.

" I think we should take a rest."
Yoongi grabs him by his wrist, making him halt again. The alpha isn't tired a bit, he can reach the top and come back very easily but he just don't want Jimin to overwork himself.

" I'm fine, hyung. Let's keep going." The smile that Jimin gave him made his heart flutter. It seems like the younger is slowly opening his heart to him and it feels nice. It's like he's finally succeeding.

" Okay, let's go." He smiles back, feeling more energetic now. Coming here was the best plan ever.


" You think your plan worked ?" Hoseok asks to Seokjin. The group of three was currently sitting on one flattened rock. Namjoon, the youngest amongst the trio was busy looking at the plants and small insect, there's no doubt he's a nature lover.

" Of course, it's Kim Seokjin's plan. It'll definitely work." To the confidence of older, Namjoon let's out a chuckle.

" Or it could backfire." He says with a amusing laugh and gets closer to his two friends to show them the little insect he found. A pretty little ladybug.

" What if it's a success ?" Jin is too sure about his plan to hear a disapproval regrading it. So, he's challenging Namjoon with his raised brow and lips pushed out in a straight line.

" Then, I'll go on a date with you." He dares to say. The older, has been his crush since the sophomore year. No one in his right mind wouldn't actually notice such a beauty. And Namjoon noticed him from the day one.

Jin is a little taken aback by the sudden surge of courage in Namjoon. But he'll not backaway.
" Deal." He locks eyes with Namjoon and they stare at each other for more time than they should.

" Guys, I'm still here." Hoseok waves his hand in front of his friends to wake them up from their trance. It sometimes (or ALWAYS ) sucks to be the third wheel between your friends. The sexual tension is always high, you can't predict when they'll just jump on each other and start making out.

" We should start walking too." He grabs his bag pack and starts walking away, knowing his friends would eventually follow him.

" Don't forget your promise." Jin whispers in Namjoon's ears. The close proximity sends a shiver to Namjoon's spine. Seokjin has always been playful like this, but something about his behaviour is giving him hope that maybe the older likes him too.

" Don't worry, I'll not." He whispers back.

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