Chapter 5

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(timeskip time again, this time brought to you by the best stands: Ghost Town, Purple Haze, and the Pistols :D also sorry if the french in this chapter isn't very good, I'm Canadian and there is a difference between french and Canadian french, though I did use a translator so the sentences are probably incorrect but I don't mind I just wanted to do something cute)

Kakyoin pov

I gazed down at the small box in my hand. It had been three years since we had met and started our relationship, and I believed I was ready to continue to the next step. I was happy, I was happy with her.

Polnareff had gotten married last year and that's where I decided to plan this. I saw how happy he looked with the woman he had met in Egypt especially now that they were expecting their first child, and I wanted that happiness for me and Cerise.

Suddenly a familiar flash of purple whizzed by and stopped in front of me. I shoved the box in my pocket and looked at Ghost Town.

"Shh you can't say anything to Cerise, it's a surprise ok Ghost Town?"

All Ghost Town did was squeak in reply.

I heard the stairs creak and turned around.

Of course Cerise was always stunning to me, but every time I saw her I felt like I was meeting her for the first time again. She was always more stunning each and every time.

"Am I an astronomer? Because you're a star." I said. At this point our relationship had become a web of happiness and cheesy pickup lines.

"Are you the sun? Because you light up my life!" she replied, throwing her arms around my neck and pulling me into a hug and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You look stunning mon amour(my love)!" I said, breaking away from the hug and holding her hands.

"I see you picked up on a few words of french!" she giggled.

"I mean you and your father speak a lot of french around me, mostly when you two are talking about me. So I picked up on a word or two." I replied.

"Ok wise guy then what am I saying when I say je connaitre ton se cacher quelque chose de me(I know your hiding something from me)?" she jokingly questioned.

"I'm not hiding anything from you! At least nothing bad." I chuckled.

"Very good Noriaki! Now shall we?" she said, linking her arm with mine.

"We shall."

(quick timeskip brought to you by how single I feel while writing this chapter D: Am I right, fellow single people? -SynonymRoll)

"That certainly was a nice date!" Cerise smiled as we walked to the last place on our date. I had taken her to all our favourite spots we had gone to for the past 3 years.

"Now Noriaki, I know you're not the kind of person who just picks up on things, so why did you learn french?" she asked as we neared our destination.

"You'll find out in a minute or two." I replied.

"Ok but where are we going anyways?" she said.

"Ok we're here, you can open your eyes now." I said.

"Why are we at my secret place?" she asked.

"This might explain things. Cerise, before I even met you I was nervous that you were going to pay attention to Avdol or Jotaro instead of me because we were all so different. I was scared that you wouldn't like me, but you have certainly proved me wrong. For the past 3 years we have built our relationship from the ground up. So, Cerise, aller tu continuer a construir notre relation avec moi (will you continue to build our relationship with me)?" I said, while grabbing the box out of my pocket and balancing on one knee.

"Oui mon amour!"(you probably know what this means but if not it's:yes my love)

I love her to the moon and back and around again.

(credit to @TiniTheVictini for making all the art and info cards for this book! she's the best and I am so lucky to be friends with her!)

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(credit to @TiniTheVictini for making all the art and info cards for this book! she's the best and I am so lucky to be friends with her!)

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