Chapter 8

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Kakyoin pov

"Polnareff calm down, you aren't losing her, she's your sister!" scolded Jotaro as Polnareff dramatically sobbed on a nearby sofa.

"You don't get it Jotaro! You have no siblings!" Polnareff stabbed back.

"Calm down you two! You aren't helping Kakyoin by sobbing and shouting!" shouted Avdol.

"I'm going for a walk." I said as I left the three bickering men to sort out their problems amongst one another.

I followed the hallway, turning different corners until I reached a peculiar sight.

"Lincoln? What are you doing here alone, where is your mother?" I said, picking up the small boy.

"Such irresponsible parents." said a voice from the shadows.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"His mother left the door to that room open, he just so happened to crawl out without her noticing." he said pointing down the hall.

"I don't exactly believe that notion. Lincoln never leaves his parent's sight." I said questioning the voice.

"Hmm I see you have a brain, well done. She passed out just around here with her son in her arms trying to find her husband. The boy then left her and found me," He replied, stepping out from the shadows.

"Then another woman left that room to find her, and I hid the boy with me. She found the other woman and began to panic. She helped the woman stand up and took her to go find her husband." the man continued.

"But Malena is in perfect health, she wouldn't just pass out randomly without a reason." I stated.

"What a smart man you are. The name is Fuji Sato, and my stand, Beastie boys, has the power to make any person fall ill to a deadly curse, and to add even more to the fun, the only cure is true love's kiss, which as we all know, doesn't exist!" the man said with a maniacal laugh.

"You sick man, why are you doing this!?" I asked.

"Well for your information Noriaki Kakyoin, your fiance has an extremely powerful stand. It has enough power to destroy the world! And the world has been far too unkind to me. You see, the stand reacts to her stress levels, unlocking different stages. First is the one you know and love, the calm form, then it's the pressure form, then the stress form, and lastly distress form. Each one more dangerous than the last." he replied with a disturbing look in his eyes.

"No, that isn't true, Ghost Town is harmless!" I yelled, causing Lincoln to cry from fear.

"That 'Harmless' stand murdered my brothers in cold blood! It's a ruthless creature with no sense of compassion!" he cried.

I thought of the Ghost Town I knew, that small creature had no chance of being what he described.

"Oh I see she didn't tell you, how sad to know that she hid this from you." he pouted tauntingly.

"If she hid it from me she probably had a reason, I know her and she would never do something like that by choice." I said.

"I see you have fallen into the trap of this false reality called life, if you believe that she wouldn't then why don't you ask her yourself?" he said gesturing behind me.

I turned to see the woman I had known for almost 5 years, the woman I was about to marry, the woman I thought I knew.

"You wouldn't, right?" I asked, a glimmer of hope in my eyes.

"Never by choice, I didn't even know what happened then, all I remember is that I started to glow and then they were dead. That was the first time I ever met Ghost Town." she replied.

"As I told you," I started, turning towards Sato, "she would never do something like that by choice, and besides," I said while summoning Hierophant,

"I have been called a pretty ruthless person by my enemies."

"WAIT!" yelled Cerise,

We paused and turned towards her.

"Give me Lincoln and 5 minutes, I want to join in on this fight but I don't want my nephew to get hurt." she explained while taking Lincoln from me.

"So what are we supposed to do!? Chit-chat!?" exclaimed Sato.

"I would assume so." I said.

(5 minutes later)

"I'm here!" shouted Cerise from down the hall as she summoned a blade out of thin air.

"Did I ever tell you that I trained myself to fight with a knife?" she asked.

"Not that I remember." I said with a smirk.

"Good! Now there's more room for surprises." she replied, a smirk similar to mine appearing on her face.

"That's fun, now let's make sure he gets to party with his brothers once again mon amour." I followed.

"Agreed." she said stepping forward

"Emerald Splash!" I called as the shower of green gems spiraled forward hitting their target.

"By the way mon amour, I forgot to mention that you look lovely." I commented as Cerise swung the blade forward, just narrowly missing Sato.

"Why thank you Noriaki, but isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" she asked, once again swinging the blade, this time hitting the top of Sato's shoulder.

"Oh your right!" I said jokingly as I covered my eyes.

"Emerald Splash!" 

I uncovered my eyes to see that I had not failed in hitting my target.

"Showoff." Cerise sarcastically commented, swinging a final blow to Sato's shin knocking him off his feet.

Sato began to cower as we neared towards where he lay on the ground.

"Now remove the effects of Beastie boys' power and we may just let you live." I said to the man who was curled in a ball.

"F-fine! You're lucky that I at least have the power to remove the effects!" he said, as his stand returned.

"Now leave us alone and you are free to go." Cerise stated.

"Ok, but someday this interaction will come back to haunt you." Sato said as he shakily stood up and walked off.

"I feel like that isn't the last we will see of him." I said.

"Yeah, but I don't exactly feel like adding another kill to Ghost Town's numbers, and besides it's our wedding day, and he's ruined enough." Cerise replied.

"Do you think that the fact that we saw each other before the wedding is going to come back to bite us in the ass?" I asked.

"I'm not exactly a superstitious person so I think we'll be fine, the only thing we have to worry about is Sato and death, and only one of those is inevitable but it won't happen for a long time." she answered.

And with that we walked to our respective parties.

And with that we walked to our respective parties

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(Thx Tini!!!!)

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