Chapter 7

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This chapter will just mostly be showing pictures of the wedding stuff that we picked. Also sorry if this doesn't work for other traditional weddings, I'm just going off of what I know of for most weddings also the images here are just ones I found off of google.



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(Now onto the actual story

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(Now onto the actual story. Timeskip brought to you by me and Tini's skills of half planning a wedding in 2 hours- SynonymRoll)

Cerise pov

"So where are you two planning on living?" asked my sister in law. It was April 20th of the year 2000 and I was getting married, and I, of course, was nervous.

"We found a small apartment back in Japan in a town called Morioh. We signed the lease about a month ago." I replied.

"Are you nervous? Because you seem surprisingly calm for someone who is about to get married." she said while trying to calm a hyper 7 month old baby that was squirming in her arms.

"I understand that you had a complete mental breakdown when you and my brother got married so I seem calm to you, but if you hadn't noticed I have been pacing in circles for the past two minutes thinking over everything that could go wrong." I said back. Malena then studied my behavior as I continued.

"I see.."

Suddenly Ghost Town appeared.

"Excuse me for a second Malena." I said and politely left the room.

As I quietly shut the door behind me I turned to the ghost in front of me.

"What's wrong Ghost?" I asked.

"You need to calm down. You're stressed and remember what happened last time?" she replied.

"Right, I don't need a death at my wedding." I lamented.

3rd person pov

As the Ghost and the woman conversed, a man around the corner listened to their conversation. Shrouded in darkness, a small smile danced on the corners of his lips.

"Looks like I found that stand we were looking for B.B., but it seems to only be dangerous when she's stressed. What could we do that could throw everyone off course?" he pondered.

"Got it."

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