Chapter 11

11 2 0

(six year time skip brought to you by the pistols, one pistol for each year :D)

Cerise pov

I was getting ready to leave in the front hallway when I heard a knock at the door, I opened it to reveal Josuke with some video games in hand.

"Good morning Josuke! Noriaki should be in the living room." I said with a smile.

"Good morning Cerise! Where are you going? You usually are here when I come over to play video games." asked Josuke.

"Oh I haven't been feeling too well for the past few weeks so I have a doctors appointment to see what's up." I answered.

"Ok makes sense, I hope everything is ok!" he said as I walked out the door.

"Thank you Josuke! Have fun!" I said shutting the door behind me.

The walk to the Morioh doctor's office was pretty peaceful. I saw a man at a cafe talking with one of Josuke's friends. I saw Tonio's restaurant that had opened a few years ago. And I saw an alleyway leading to a small neighbourhood that was rumored to be haunted. Then I reached the office.

"Kakyoin Cerise?" asked one of the staff.

"I'm here." I replied.

"Please follow me."

They walked down a small hallway and led me into a small white room with an examination table, two chairs, a desk with a computer, and any other medical instruments that would usually be in a doctor's office.

"The doctor will be with you in a moment." informed the staff member as they left the room.

I began to look around the room reading posters on the walls or pamphlets that sat in boxes, anything that would pass the time.

Soon a woman walked through the door.

"Hi you must be Mrs.Kakyoin, I'm Dr. Takeda, nice to meet you." she said with a soft smile.

"Yes, I'm Cerise, nice to meet you as well Dr.Takeda." I said returning the smile.

"Now I looked over the symptoms you described over the phone and they line up pretty well with two things, now if this hadn't been going on for a few weeks I would have diagnosed you with a stomach bug or the flu, however those usually don't last more than a week or two, so the last thing I can think of is that your pregnant. We can run a few tests just to make sure my theory is correct if you'd like." she said

"I-I would like to run a few tests just to make sure you're right." I said, still trying to make everything make sense in my mind.

(quick timeskip bois)

"Ok we have the results from the tests and congratulations you're pregnant!" she said with a smile.

"That's a lot to take in at 10:00 in the morning on a saturday. Uh thank you for this information!" I said returning the smile.

Let's just say that on the way back I almost got hit by three cars.

Then I reached the house. I took a deep breath and reached for the door knob.

"We're home!" I shouted as I opened the door.

"Don't tell me my mom is here too!" Josuke grumbled as he came to greet me.

"I think you made a mistake Cerise, there's only you here so I think you meant to say 'I'm home' not 'we're home'." he said.

"Uh not exactly." I said.

"Wait... don't tell me.."

Then I heard the sound of a game controller hit the floor.

"Noriaki?" I called out to him trying to see if he was ok.

Soon I saw him crawl out of the living room still lying on the ground, and he turned his head to face me.

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"Are you pregnant?"


"Thank god, you aren't dying!"

"No I'm not but this also means we need to go house hunting because this place isn't big enough for three people to live here."

"Awww but Josuke lives next door! I don't want to leave!"

"Actually there's a house for sale down the street! It's pretty big! It probably has like 4 or 5 rooms!" Josuke added.

"See Noriaki, you don't have to leave Josuke, and we get a bigger house."

"Cerise, we live off of an artist and hairdresser's salary, how in the hell are we supposed to afford a house that big?"

"Actually it's been up for sale for a while, to the point where the owners are willing to sell it for any price they can get." Josuke said again.

"See Noriaki!"

"But what if they don't even want to sell it to us?"

"Please mon amour?"

".....fine we'll try to buy it."

Josuke stared at me for a few seconds before asking,

"What did you say that made him change his mind?"

"A nickname we used for each other before we were married and a few years after. It means my love in english." I replied while laughing.

"How long ago did you last use it? I'm assuming a while if it convinced him to change his mind that quickly." asked Josuke.

"That's the best part, I used it this morning to say good morning to him!" I said laughing so much that tears were forming in the corners of my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah very funny Cerise. Shouldn't you be going home by now Josuke?" Noriaki shot back.

"Shoot you're right! My mom's gonna kill me! Congratulations to you two! see ya!" shouted Josuke as he ran out the door.

"Well that was a fun conversation." said my husband, still lying on the floor.

"Sure was! Anyways I'm hungry, want to help with lunch?"

"Sure!" said Noriaki as he got off the floor and followed me to the kitchen.

After a few minutes of cooking in comfortable silence, Noriaki asked a question.

"Mon amour?"


"What do you think the baby's gender is?"

"I don't know, something is telling me that it's a girl."

"Well then I agree."

(I was internally cringing this whole chapter while writing it :D -SynonymRoll)

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