Ch. 6 ♥︎

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"Ji hurry up! We're going to be late to lunch with everyone! " Jisung almost always goes over to his best friend, Felixs house to get ready because Felix had really nice makeup. "Woah who are you trying to impress?" Felix said shocked at how pretty Jisung looked.

"Nobody I just feel like looking nice okay." Jisung had light makeup on. He was wearing a plain white shirt with black jeans and a blue jean jacket with lots of pins on it. It was a simple outfit but it looked so good on Jisung.

(Here's a reference picture

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(Here's a reference picture. Ofc you can imagine him wearing whatever I just think he looks so cute here! Also idk how to describe his shirt so I just said white lol)

"Mhmm sureee-"

"Whatever let's just go didn't you say we were going to be late."

A few minutes later they arrived at the restaurant and greeted the others that were waiting for them. They were late because of Jisung wanting to look perfect for Minho.

Minho stared at Jisung for a while before saying hi to the younger. Jisung thought this was weird but he tried not to think too much about it because Minho was just weird in general.

"You look p-pre-" Minho was then interrupted by Chan hugging Jisung and screaming. This made Minho mad for some reason. He didn't understand why he didn't want anyone to touch Jisung.


Before everyone realized an hour had passed and Minho was now sitting next to Jisung. All of their friends were talking and laughing. Minho and Jisung seemed to be in their own little world mostly only laughing with each other. Of course they would join in on the others conversation here and there but they were more interested in each other.

"It's weird thinking this is the first time we've all hung out. It feels like we've been friends for years." Chan said happily.

"Right! We're all really good together." Another added.

"Especially those two. They're perfect together." Seungmin teased pointing to Minho and Jisung who were sitting a little too close to one another.

"They look like a real couple!" Everyone began to tease them. Minho was unfazed by this keeping the same lifeless look in his eyes. The same eyes that only seemed to light up when they gazed at Jisung.

On the other hand Jisung was very flustered hearing his friends compare him and Minho to a couple. He couldn't understand why he felt this way. "Noo guys stop~" he whined.

"You don't think so Hannie?" Minho turned to the shocked squirrel like boy and wrapped his arm around him. Minho could see how flustered Jisung was and loved it.

Jisung pushed Minho arm off of him and looked the other way trying to hide how he was feeling.

"I'm only kidding." Minho laughed.

'Right it was a joke he was just playing.' Jisung felt a little sad not knowing why exactly.

Minho's pov-

'Kidding? Why would I say something like that in the first place? Minho regretted the odd comment he made
'God I hope he didn't get the wrong impression.'
'What is the right impression though?'

Slowly one by one everyone had to leave. Minho and Jisung were the last two.

'We're alone. Just him. And me. Oh my god what do I say? Should I leave?' Minho began at panic at the awkward silence. He wanted to spend more time with the younger boy but he didn't know how to ask.

"So.. uh do you want to hangout at my house? My parents are out of town for the weekend so you don't have to worry about them bugging you like always." Jisung finally broke the silence.

Hearing this made Minho happy. "Sure. Is Stacy there?"

"Not sure. She should be coming back from her cheer meet soon. Why?"

"Oh I was just wondering." Minho really just didn't want to deal with Stacy. However, he wanted to hangout with Jisung.

They soon arrived at Stacy and Jisungs house. Stacy still wasn't there. Minho was relieved not wanting to explain why he was with her younger brother. He himself didn't know the answer. He knew he liked being around the boy and he liked how adorable he was. He really liked seeing him get shy around him.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Jisung asked the older boy.

"Yeah. Do you like scary movies?"

"I love them." Jisung quickly replied knowing how scared he got.

"Great!" Minho jumped on Jisungs bed and made himself comfortable.

They sat next to each other. Close but not too close. Minho couldn't help but stare at the cute squirrel boy. Jisung noticed this making his heart beat faster. Jisung soon became engrossed in the movie. He would get startled but tried to hide it from the older.

Minho noticed how scared Jisung was so he wrapped his arm around him and pulled him closer. Minho's heart fluttered looking down at the boy. Feeling how close he was to the scared squirrel.

This time Jisung didn't pull away. Instead he looked up at Minho. The two sat there and looked deeply into each other's eyes. "Stop looking at me like that." Minho broke the comfortable silence.

"Why what will you do about it." This made Minho think of so many scenarios he wanted to try out with the boy. He only shook his head and looked at the tv his heart still pounding. Jisung did the same. They stayed this way until the movie came to an end.

"I should probably go home." Minho said looking at Jisung who was now completely cuddled against him.

"Oh... yeah I guess." A sad Jisung said moving away.

"Unless you don't want me to." Minho smirked and grabbed Jisungs wrist to pull him closer. He leaned down to meet his eyes.

"I- i what d-do you mean?"

"I don't have to go. You want me to stay don't you?" Minho leaned closer to Jisung. Now inches away. Though Minho seemed confident he didn't know what he was doing, his heart felt as if it would burst.

"I- i don't know h- hyung." Jisungs cheeks were bright red.

"I'm messing with you. Sleep well Hannie!" Minho quickly got up leaving Jisung a confused, stuttering mess.

Hii it's been a while. I've been really busy with work and school so I haven't really had the motivation to write. Sorry if this is bad :/

Have a good dayyy ~🤍

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