Imagine: trauma (Leigh) (TW)

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⚠️TW: SA⚠️

You and Leigh have been dating for a couple weeks and tonight was the first time you were gonna have sex together.

Leigh-Anne knew that you've been sexually assaulted multiple times, but you told her you're ready.

She carried you upstairs while kissing your neck, you sighed and grabbed her hair.

Leigh-Anne carefully laid you down and kissed down to your stomach.

You started to have a flashback......

*flashback TW*

He pushes you on the bed and jumps on top of you, kissing your neck.

"No, stop, I don't want to-"

"Ssh sweetie, just really quick." He says, taking off his pants along with yours.

You were screaming and crying for help, but nobody came to help you.

*end of flashback*

You push Leigh-Anne off of you and sit up, you start hyperventilating.

"Hey, you're okay, I'm here." Leigh-Anne's says and lays her hand on your back.

You flinch and back up against the headboard of the bed.

"Y/n, calm down, it's just me, I'm not gonna hurt you." Leigh-Anne says, scooting a little closer to you.

You pull your legs up to your chest and put your head in between them, earning a sigh from Leigh-Anne.

"Do you want me to go?" She asks, you don't answer, making her sigh again.

She goes downstairs and calls Jade and Perrie, she knows that that they will know how to calm you down.

"Y/n?" Perrie asks as the three girls enter the room.

You continue crying softly, they sadly smile before sitting down on the bed.

"Y/n, can you look at me?" Jade asks. You slowly look up.

"What's wrong?" Perrie asks. You look at Leigh-Anne with begging eyes, not wanting to say anything.

"We were making out and things got a little heated, then Y/n pushed me away and didn't say anything." Leigh-Anne explained.

"Did you have another flashback?" Jade asks, you slowly nod.

Jade and Perrie both can read you like an open book, it was weird, but you're like their little sister.

Your breathing picked up again, it quickened every time you tried to breath in normally.

"Baby, calm down, there's nothing to be scared of." Leigh-Anne says and rubbed your arm. She placed your hand on her stomach and breathed with you.

"Copy me." You did what she said and it helped quite good. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." You say tiredly.

"We'll leave, love you." Perrie smiles and kisses your head.

"Love you too." You smile back.

They leave and Leigh-Anne lays down in bed with you.

"I'm sorry, Leigh." You whisper as she wraps her arms around you tightly.

"Don't apologize. This isn't your fault." She says and rubs your back soothingly.

You flip over slightly so your laying on top of her, she smiles and buries her nose in your hair, breathing in your sense.

"Do you still want to do it-"

"Baby, you don't have to do it just to please me, I want you to be completely ready." She says as she leans over to turn off the lamp.

You smile to yourself and nod.

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