Just walk away pt2

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I laid in bed thinking, what the hell did she mean pack some clothes.

I got up and did it anyway because I had no idea what she was planning.

It was about 12 am and I was being super quiet packing my last bit of clothes and etc.

I heard a loud tap on my window which made me turn around really quickly

"What the fuck", I muttered quietly.

"It's me", I heard Billies voice in a small whisper.

I hurried to the window and opened it for her.

She climbed in and automatically hugged me.

I hugged her back and gave her a quick kiss.

"Man fuck your dad for trying to separate us, did he do anything after I left?"

"It's fine Billie don't worry about it." I told her so she would worry.

"Y/n if he touched you I'll fu-"

"Billie it's really fine why'd you tell me to pack a bag?", I asked to quickly change the subject.

She signed then smiled

"Wanna come stay with me and my family?"

"But.. I never met them"

"Babe they'll love you especially my mom she loves everyone"

I thought about it for a moment before I decided

"Let's get the fuck out of this hell hole", I told Billie as she smiled


We climbed out the window and walked to Billies matte Dodge Challenger down the road.

"Why'd you park so far?", I asked her

"Because I didn't know if your dad was home and he knows what my car looks like", she explained

"Well yeah I guess that's smart", I said.

We finally got to the car and got in.

Billie started driving and nobody talked the whole time.

It didn't take long to get there about 10 minutes.

We sat in the car for 5 minutes before Billie broke the silence.

"Ok come on we can't stay here all night".

I nod before getting out and following her into her house

She opened the door we were both greeted by a dog.

"Hi pepper", Billie said

The dog just growled at her

I tried to pet her and she didn't growl At me when I did

"The fuck", Billie said "she growls at everyone".

"Wow", was all I could say

She rolled her eyes I could tell she was annoyed, "come on let's go to bed I'll introduce you to my mom tomorrow everybody is asleep right now."

I nodded and followed her to her red lit room.

"What the hell is this demons hour?", I joked

"It's always demon hour here baby", she smirked.

Fucking psycho, I thought

She gave me an extra toothbrush and  a huge t shirt.

We went in the bathroom and brushed out teeth, and after put out pajamas on.

We got in bed and I little spooned her and felt something hard

"Fuck Billie control that", I told her

"You think I know how I'm fucking horny and tired that does not mix" she said irritated.

"Whatever", I muttered "control it and you might get rewarded"

"Fuck y/n you know I can't"

I smiled before turning to face her
"Ik  babe I'm messing with you, you'll get something tomorrow", I said grabbing her dick

She lowly moaned and I chuckled before letting go.

I closed my eyes to go to sleep

"You such a dream to me", I told Billie

"As you are to me", she said before I drifted off.

"As you are to me", she said before I drifted off

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