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Techno hurried by, trying not to get noticed. He stopped suddenly, although not seeing it, but still feeling a pair of icy eyes hit the back of his head. The piercing gaze turned into a playful glare, and Techno heard footsteps cross the ground, the grass crisp with ice and snow flurries.

"Hey Techno", a voice said. They laid a hand on his back, and then they grabbed his shoulders, turning him around to face them.


He had a malicious smile on his face, although his smile was the only feature visible on his face due to the mask covering the rest of it. His golden hair hid underneath his green hood.

Techno's eyes flashed with fear for a moment before quickly disappearing. But Dream saw it.

"Aw.. are you scared of me?", Dream asked, a certain sharpness in his tone that made Techno's spine tingle.

Dream's friends, Sapnap and George, stood behind him. Sapnap had an almost regretful look on his face, while George glared at him darkly.

"No", Techno stated, his usually monotone voice laced with a hint of sadness, and his voice cracked like he was going to cry.

"He's going to cry, how cute!", Dream mocked, purposely making his voice go an octave higher to make it sound like he'd cry too.

Techno furrowed his brow and tried to glare at Dream. "That's not funny anymore Dream", he said, the strength in his voice back, and nothing gave away the lurking sadness inside him.

"Oh sure it iss, maybe you just don't find it amusing", Dream smirked. Techno huffed and turned around, attempting to leave but Dream's hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey, where you going? I'm not finished yet", Dream said, pulling him back around. He opened his mouth to say something but a voice barked out across the plains.

"Hey, leave him alone!", Phil said, coming over to stand between Dream and his son. Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur following. Dream looked pale, and he backed off. Then he rolled his eyes unbeknownst to his companions and stalked off, his minions scurrying after him.

Tommy looked just about ready to punch someone. He balled up his fists and started punching the air in front of him.

"Yeah that's right, you don't mess with Big T and me", he said.

"It's Big T and I", Wilbur kindly corrected him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, let's just go home, I'm starving, and Tubbo's still got to feed his bees", Tommy said, folding his arms, shivering a bit in the cold.

Tubbo's eyes widened. "Oh no, I forgot!!", he yelped, rushing off to the nether portal of which the four came from.

Wilbur wrapped his arms around Techno. "Let's go", he said comfortingly. "We can go eat, and then you can tell me all about what happened".

"A-alright", Techno agreed, looking down at the floor.

They all walked towards the portal, slightly shivering when the cold wind blew. Techno went over his thoughts and memories in his mind. He began to think about him and Dream.

They used to be good friends, what happened?
One day, Dream just found some new friends by the name of Sapnap and George. And then all of a sudden the two never hung out anymore, and whenever they'd interact, Dream would be toxic and mean. Now he was just a downright bully.

The largest problem was that Techno loved Dream, ever since he first heard his voice and saw his smiley mask and signature green hoodie. And they were getting closer, until their relationship suddenly just broke off.

The thing that hurt most was the fact that Dream and George were dating. At least, that's what the hot rumor was. And Techno had seen them kissing more than once.

Wilbur looked over at his brother, who was deep in his thoughts. He looked away wistfully and then looked back at Techno sympathetically.

He shook his brother a bit as they stopped in front of the portal, arousing Techno from his thoughts. He slowly gestured toward it, signaling that they were going in. Phil had already gone in with the youngest.

Techno nodded, shaking his head a bit to come back to reality and let life sink back in. He stepped foot onto the portal in synchronization with Wilbur.

The group of 5 traveled around the nether for a bit, eventually finding the portal that led them home. They all shivered in unison as the icy wind of the flat tundra bit their faces. They hurried in the direction of the house, which all of them except Techno had forgotten the way to.

He led them over a hill and there it stood, the house. Their friend, Ranboo, who lived a few yards away, was tending to the little bee house and giving them whatever bees eat.

Tubbo sighed in relief and headed over to his canonical husband. Everyone else headed into the house, where dinner sat on the table, waiting to be eaten.

They all sat down, and began to eat. A few minutes later, Tubbo came in with Ranboo, holding a little bee on his arm like a parrot.

Tubbo explained that he had invited Ranboo in and they also sat down. Eventually, everyone had finished eating their food and split their separate ways. Phil cleaned the dishes and forced Tommy to help, Ranboo and Tubbo went to Ranboo's house, Wilbur went up to his and Techno's room, while Techno went outside to hang out with his polar bear Steve.

He sat in the pen, stroking Steve's soft fur and cuddling against him, which kept him warm while the frost biting wind blew around.

Techno would often go out to Steve and rant to him about his life, seeming as even though Wilbur offered to help him, he just didn't understand. Steve would always sit and look at Techno like he was listening, which he was.

Wilbur couldn't really help him because there was nothing wrong with him. After Wilbur had died and came back revived, his life had been perfect, and nothing had went wrong for him. He had Schlatt, his boyfriend who Wilbur claims to only be his friend, and of which Schlatt had deniability, bringing forth the boyfriend thing.

Phil called and that was Techno's signal to come inside. Even though they were all (most of them were) grown up, they still had a stupid bedtime.

Techno got up, scratching Steve under the chin and giving him a hug the best he could around his fat and fuzzy body. Then he went inside.

(Over 1000 words pog)
[1100 words]

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