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   Phil's loud protesting shouts sent another wave of pains through Tommy's head. He'd been there for hours, and he already had a massive headache.

Tubbo was eating a cinnamon bun, and he had tried multiple times to share with Tommy before he snapped. Tubbo had been quiet ever since, not because he was depressed, just because he knew Tommy needed space.

Wilbur was looking out the window, chin propped up with his hand, watching the raindrops drip slowly down the transparent wall of easily shatterable material.

"Please, he's innocent, he would never do anything of this sort!", Phil practically screamed. The attendant shook her head. "I'm sorry, but he was caught conversing with the culprit, which leads us to believe he was associated with the crime", she said, a hint of regret in her tone. "And besides, even if I thought otherwise, there's nothing I could do about, I'm just a simple accountant", she added quickly, assuring Phil that she was on his side.

"Well anyways, thanks again, what was it, Niki?", Phil sighed. Niki nodded, giving Phil a sad smile. "Let's go boys", Phil said quietly, and all three immediately jumped up, happy to finally go.

Wilbur was probably suffering the most from the loss of Techno. Wilbur had become his best friend (other than Steve) and now Wilbur couldn't talk with him at all.

Tommy noticed the bags under Wilbur's eyes and put a hand on his arm in comfort. Wilbur looked at Tommy with sad eyes and forced a smile that turned more genuine than it had started.

Tommy smiled as well and looked back at the road in front of him.

"F YOU SAM, YOU LITTLE MOTHER F-ER, I WISH YOU'D GET US OUT OF HERE, BUT NO, BECAUSE YOU'RE A LITTLE B WORD!", Dream screamed. Techno just smiled, finding the replacements for the bad words hilarious. Dream knew Techno didn't appreciate bad language so he kept that in mind.

Dream stopped for a moment to breath. Little did he know that Sam had to stand guard outside the cell and he looked so unamused he looked like a replica of this emoji, just more Sam-y —>😑

Dream decided it was enough to Sam's relief and he went to go sit by Techno. He laid his head on Techno's shoulder, earning a small smile from him.

"So Dream? What did you do to get the police on your tail?", Techno asked absentmindedly.

Dream tensed up and loosened as he started to explain. "I was doing one of many felonious things that Sapnap and George dragged me into, or more so George. Although arson was was Sapnap's idea, and after that, we might've stole a few things.. and killed Sam's rabbit, which was totally George's idea! He wanted revenge for something Sam supposedly did to him a few years ago. When we learned the police were coming, those two fools abandoned me and the police spotted me first, assuming I was the only one who did it", Dream paused to take a breath before continuing.

"The one thing I'm afraid of is that they only used me as a little puppet, and whenever they'd do something illegal I'd be the one to cover it up. Now that I'm stuck in here for life, I'm afraid that they'll find someone else to manipulate and be their puppet. Although, Sapnap genuinely wanted to be my friend, it was mostly all just George. Which makes me realize how much of a bad person he is and that my relationship with him probably would've became toxic..", Dream finished with a big sigh.

Techno looked at him sympathetically and grabbed his arm, squeezing it reassuringly.

"At least I'm in here with you to make sure you don't do anything else nefarious", Techno said jokingly, making Dream crack a smile and giggle a bit.

God his laugh is cute, Techno found himself thinking. He blinked, narrowing his eyes at the thought. Shut up, he told himself.

As if he read his thoughts, Dream reached up and kissed Techno on the cheek lightly, flashing a soft smile afterwards. Techno sat there, frozen and rooted to the ground, in shock.

He assumed that his face was bright red, and he was correct. Dream laughed again, a quiet, sweet sound that Techno craved.

Techno curled up in a ball and sat on Dream's lap, nuzzling his head deep in Dream's chest.
Dream started rambling about how adorable Techno was, his mumbled turning to quiet whispers as Techno fell asleep, Dream running his fingers through Techno's soft, fluffy hair.


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