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I knew something was wrong the minute I was fully awake.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

It's a pretty cliche saying, isn't it? Well, there was no other way I could think of to describe that moment. 

I went out of the room, hoping I was wrong and that I was just overreacting. It was empty in living room and also in the kitchen. I checked Jackson and Mark's room but, nope, no one was there.

I was confused and, honestly, kinda pissed. Why the hell would they leave me alone in the dorm without even telling me where they were going?

I was just about to head back to my own room when suddenly the door to BamBam's swung open. He poked his head out and I noticed the tired, irritated expression on his face.

"Why so loud?"

I scoffed. I wasn't even shouting. Okay, maybe I was. Still, it couldn't have been so loud.

BamBam was now leaning on the doorframe, hands crossed over his chest. His hair was sticking out in all directions, indicating that he had just woken up. Try as I might I couldn't stop myself from thinking of how hot he looked.

"Where's everyone else?" he asked, just noticing the absence of any other person in the room.

"That's what I want to know, too," I muttered. I didn't wait to hear his reply as I stormed back to the room.

A knock came at the door and, since I knew it could only be BamBam, I didn't respond. "Skye, can we talk?"

I don't even know why I opened the door this time.

"Then talk."

He frowned at me. "This is not fair. Why are you so angry?"

I shook my head. "I'm not angry."

BamBam's laugh was sarcastic. I didn't think he was actually capable of that. "You're not? You act like you are."

"If this is all you had to say, then I think I've heard enough," I muttered, gripping the wooden door tightly.

"Skye-" I didn't hear what he had to say next as I slammed the door shut and locked it.

I leaned against the door, sliding down to the floor dramatically, and gave myself a slap.

What was I doing?

This was far from what I wanted to happen on this trip. I'm not going to lie and say it's BamBam's fault that this vacation was ruined. No, I knew better than put the blame on him. The way I act, though, is as if I was blaming him.

Like I said before, I wasn't angry. I was... confused. I didn't know what to do, how to react. Or maybe I was angry. Not at him, but at myself.

He's right. I wasn't being fair. I was making this bigger by avoiding him. 

I got up, wiping off the tears that were running down my face. There was nothing I wanted more than to go back in time and change what happened the day we came here. Maybe if I told him the truth then we wouldn't be in this situation now.

Even if it meant that to him I was the friend with a pathetic crush. I would rather still be friends with him than ruin our friendship.

I decided that maybe a shower would help me clear my mind and think properly. I mean, showers are usually 85% thinking about life and shizz, and 15% actually cleaning the body.

As I rummaged through my suitcase to find some clothes, I felt a bump on one of the pockets. It wasn't so big that I could notice it at first but it was there. I unzipped that part of the suitcase and took out the object. As soon as I grabbed, I could tell it was a key. It was only when I examined it closer that I realized what the key was actually for.

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