Chapter 1 - Gemma and Liam

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Liam Payne is well-loved by everyone. Including me. Except, I can't have him. He is Gemma's boyfriend. Before he was Gemma's boyfriend, he was just Liam. He's always been there; well, not always. He's our next-door neighbour and has been for the last few years.

My dad loves Liam because he's just macho af, and my dad is surrounded by Gemma... and well, me. I'm not exactly your typical man. I'm not masculine like my dad wishes I would be. I like my vibrant 'girly' colours, and I've got long hair. I've never done makeup, but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea; I think it'd be fun to try.  Who knows, maybe someday? But he gets no say when he isn't in our lives enough to give a fuck.

At home, there's me, Gemma and mum.

Gemma and Liam were laid out of the sofa whilst I was spread over the floor watching the TV. An advert for some French fragrance comes up, and I sit up quickly, turning to Gemma. "We should go to Paris for our Summer break!" I yell.

Gemma's eyes light up, and she nods. "Do you think mum will let you?" She asks, half pouting.

Suddenly, my shoulders drop, and I shrug. I've never flown alone before, and even though I'm a boy, my mum still treats me like a little girl simply because I'm the youngest child. She's overprotective of her children, I guess.

Liam must notice the sad look on my face and smiles, "She'll let you go if I go with you."

I grin and nod my head, agreeing. "Yes! That sounds perfect!"

I turned back to the TV, a massive smile on my face and got sucked up into a daydream.

Some time with Liam, possibly alone in a foreign country, almost sounded like a dream, one I was waiting to wake up from. I could picture all the cute things we could do together, like trying all the pastries and cheeses and wines and all the authentic French... well, everything. We could visit the Eiffel Tower and take photos in front of it, maybe even climb up it and see the view from the top...


Later that evening, I was stood in the kitchen, making cookie dough, whilst Gemma was sat at the table, a mug of hot chocolate in her hands. I was preparing a baking tray when Gemma spoke up, "I broke up with Liam tonight." The cookie dough balls in my hands drop into the sugar bowl as I turn around to face her. Gemma didn't seem fazed in the slightest. It confused me. Didn't she care?

"But why?" I ask a frown on my lips.

"I'm moving miles away for University. Liam is staying here." She says simply, shrugging. "I don't want to do a long-distance. It never works out."

"But it's Liam. Liam is the boy who's loved you more than anyone else has ever loved you. Other than me, of course." I grin half-heartedly.

Gemma rolls her eyes and stands, walking towards me, gently bumping her hip with mine. "You're far too invested in other people's relationships; when are you ever going to get into one?"

I scoop up a bit of the dough and put it in my mouth before continuing. "Liam would never hold you back, ya know? He's not like that." I protest, ignoring her previous comment. So what if I've never had a relationship before? That's normal, right? I'm just a kid.

"You shouldn't eat raw dough, Harry," Gemma says, frowning as she gives me a short hug. I hug back and hum softly.

"It's not too late, Gem. You could turn around and tell him you changed your mind." I continue.

Gemma shakes her head, sighing. "When will the first batch be done? I'm starving."

I glance over at the timer I had going, "Not long, a few more minutes." I sit down with her, take her mug, take a sip of her drink, and earn a playful glare. I hand it back as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "You two will get back together. You love each other too much; you wait." But even still, I know that isn't true. Gemma doesn't get back together with someone once they've broken up.

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