Chapter 11 - Arguments

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The next evening, after tea, I set up the kitchen table for me and Louis to study. I sit at the table and watch the birds in the trees and the wind blow the leaves and the grass. My textbooks and my pens, highlighters etc., were all stacked up and waiting. I'd prepared some snacks for us to eat throughout, and I'd placed a mug beside the kettle with a teabag inside, ready to brew when Louis arrived.

I check the time, and I thought that Louis was just late as usual. But then hours passed by, and the sun had set. I frown and run a hand through my hair, biting into a brownie I'd made previously. It then hit me that he wasn't coming, and I felt stupid. Disappointed even. I sent Louis a text, but I never got a response.

Later that evening, my phone buzzed. I grab it quickly and unlock it to see Louis had to text me.

L: Hey, Haz. I'm so sorry! Something came up. I can't come over tonight.

At lunch, Louis had seemed distracted and was constantly checking his phone and typing in it rapidly. I frowned to myself, but I never said anything.

Later on, I had just left my last lesson, and I was about to head out home when I noticed Louis and Eleanor stood close together near Eleanor's locker. Her hand was on his arm, and he brushed her hair from her eyes. I felt the tears well up in my eyes, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I took a deep breath and squeezed the bridge of my nose as I closed my eyes briefly. I may only be a fake boyfriend, but this still hurt to see.

I tried to concentrate on my studies, but it was increasingly difficult when all I could think about was Louis and Eleanor. Or the fact Louis stood me up. Does Louis not know what manners are? How would he like it if I did it to him? He wouldn't. Plus, really, what is the point of all this if he's just constantly going to run back to her like a drug addict. Is there anything left in this for me anymore? Finally, me and Liam were basically back to normal, so I could just call this whole thing off.

The next morning, I still felt angry, and my shoulders hurt from being so tense. I look outside my window to see if Liam's car was still in the drive, and I call him to ask if he could give me a lift to school, to which he agrees.

Let's see how Louis feels when he turns up to pick me up, and I'm already gone. But halfway to school, my rationality came through, and I felt like maybe Louis had a legitimate reason for not coming over and maybe doing this to spite him was wrong.

Liam must have picked up on my mood shift and glanced at me, frowning. "What's wrong, Haz?" He asks me.

"Nothing," I mutter.

Liam scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Did you and Tommo have a scrap or somethin'?"


Liam sighs. "Just be careful, okay? I don't want to see that prick hurt you."

"He won't hurt me, Liam!"

Liam hums. "He's an idiot with no care for anyone but himself. Guys like him only care for one thing. As soon as they get what they want, they move on."

"Louis dated Eleanor for four years."

"Just trust me, Harry." He pats my knee, and I frown when I remember the time I was sat in Louis' car, and he patted my knee.

"How would you know anyway?" I ask.

Liam looks at me with a raised eyebrow, and I look down at my lap. "I know you well enough."

"Not as well as you think," I mutter.

The rest of the journey was silent, minus the radio playing and I watch out the window.

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