Chapter 13 - Reality check

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It was Sunday night, and I, mum and Gemma were having a virtual dinner together. I set my laptop up on some books and got comfortable as mum placed our plates on the table. I open Skype and click Gemma's name. It rings for a few minutes before Gemma's face pops up on the screen. Gemma and I grin instantly and yell, "Hello you!" before Gemma looks at mum, smiling. "Hello, mum." She says.

"Hi Love, how's Uni?" She asks.

I take a bite of the taco I was eating as the two chat before Gemma looks at me again. "How's school going?"

I shrug. "Same old, really."

Mum chuckles and shakes her head. "Tell Gemma about Louis."

"Louis?" Gemma questions after swallowing whatever it was she was eating.

"Harry's boyfriend."

I almost choke on the shell of my taco before quickly swallowing it down with some water.

"Wait a minute... Harry's boyfriend?" Gemma raises an eyebrow. "How come I hadn't heard anything about this boyfriend?" She asks.

Oh, I don't know Gem, maybe because he's not actually my boyfriend, but everyone thinks he is, and we're lying to everyone to hide the fact I actually want Liam.

"He's called Louis Tomlinson." I shrug.

Gemma's eyes widen. "Why on earth would you be interested in someone like him?"

I sigh softly and run a hand through my hair. "It just... sorta 'appened."

"He's such a douche; you're too good for a football hooligan like him, Haz."

I roll my eyes. "He's not like the rest of 'em."

Why couldn't she just be happy for me like mum is? Gemma said she'd always support me regardless.

Gemma scoffs and makes a face that says, 'Yeah, sure, whatever you say. "What about that lass Eleanor he was dating? I didn't think he was into dudes."

I shrug. "They broke up."

"Louis and Eleanor?" mum asks.

"Doesn't matter, mum." I huff.

"Is there anything that matters to him other than football and himself?" Gemma finally asks, and I frown. "What do you think of him, mum?" She asks.

"I like him; he seems nice." Mum shrugs, confused. "Looks after Harry pretty well, I'd say."

"Hm," Gemma says, unconvinced.

The rest of the virtual dinner was quiet and awkward, and I didn't speak after that other than to say bye, and I love you to Gemma before hanging up and rushing upstairs, laptop and books in my hands.

I plug the laptop in before taking a hot, steaming shower to try to help clear my thoughts. It doesn't work, though. The things Gemma said, the things mum said. Mum doesn't know Louis well enough to know what he's really like. Louis can adapt to any situation, like the time he came to tea. I hated that Gemma felt disappointed in me and my choice of 'boyfriend'.

I was ready to pull the plug now Gemma knows about him, but...I didn't want to. 


Li: You, me, chicken? Just like the old times!

Well, Gemma would be here if it was the old times, but any time out with Liam was good enough and definitely a good distraction from this ordeal with Gemma, even if she isn't here.

H: Alright, but don't hog the box this time! A growing mans gotta eat!

Li: Deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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