Chapter 2 - I liked you first

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Gemma and Liam got together roughly two years ago. I'd first heard it from Liam.

He found me on lunch break and asked me for some advice. He sat next to me, and he had this intoxicating scent sprayed on, and I was hooked instantly. I told him I could try to help. What sort of friend would I be if I didn't?

"I need your advice. I like someone." He tells me. At first, I thought it was me, but then I remembered we're both dudes, and I don't think Liam is into men. But I still hoped it was me, just for a second.

We hung out every day that summer beforehand, sometimes with Gemma but primarily alone. So I really thought he was going to say to me. But then I saw how he acted, how his cheeks tinted red and how he looked around sheepishly, and I knew it wasn't me.

Mentally, I ran through a list of girls it might have been, a shortlist. He mostly hung with guys. But nobody really came to mind. If I was honest, I didn't care anymore who it was because it wasn't me, and that's all I cared about. Selfish, I know, but I didn't care.

Not for a minute did I ever imagine it to be Gemma. But then again, Gemma was a beautiful girl, and many guys wanted to date her. So then, it really didn't surprise me at all. Just hurt, that's all. I don't know whether it was because Gemma is my sister or because it was confirmed it definitely wasn't me, but either way, I cringed internally.

If I were to describe Liam's appearance, I'd say he's ordinary looking. Well, he had shaggy brown hair with a fringe that almost covered his brown eyes. He looked like the kind of guy who enjoyed comic books and having fun. He's on the skinnier side, but don't let that fool you. He's strong. He had to help me across the road once because I'd twisted my ankle. Embarrassing, let me tell you. And no, it wasn't anything like those stupid damsels in distress situations either; I'm just a clutz.

The surprising thing was Gemma liking Liam back. Not because of who Liam was but because of who Gemma was. She never spoke of boys or dating. She held herself higher than that. She cared more about her education and her family and lived her life than bogged down by some other person.

It was sudden, the way it had happened. I was at home cooking chicken parmesan when Gemma walked in. I turned to look at her, and that's when she revealed it to me. Her eyes were bright and happy.

"Liam likes me." She smiles. I look at her, almost flabbergasted and turned back to the food before she saw it.

"Liam? Liam as in our Liam?" I ask. Gemma laughed.

"Yes, Haz, our Liam. He said I was his dream girl. Can you believe it?"

"Wow." That was all I managed to get out. I felt jealous and envious that it was Gemma that Liam liked and not me. "So, you're a couple now, then?" I ask, gulping silently, smacking on a fake smile.

Gemma took some parmesan and nodded, grinning. "Yeah, I think so." It hit me then that maybe Gemma liked him just as much in return.

That night I wrote my first letter. It was to Liam.

I cried that night. It was rather pathetic to cry over a boy. A straight boy.  It was over before I'd even get a chance anyway. They had chosen each other, and that was that. Gemma and Liam forever.

I wiped my tears, wrote the letter, and that was the end of that. I never thought about Liam like that again after that.


The next day, we drive Gemma to her University campus. We help to lug her luggage to her room before tearfully hugging, and I whisper to her, "Call every day." The lump in my throat was growing. I didn't want to cry because I knew Gemma wouldn't, but I couldn't help it.

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