84. The Battle Of The Seven Harrys

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"Are they back yet?"

Ginny gave no reply. Cassie didn't blame her, really; she had asked the same question nearly sixteen times now. Honestly, though, did they expect Cassie to wait patiently at home while everybody else risked their lives for Harry – again? Her and Ginny had boycotted the situation by giving everyone the silent treatment before they left, but now that they were really gone, the two girls could barely hold themselves together.

"I can't believe they didn't let us go," Ginny moaned, dropping her head into her hands.

"It's ridiculous," Cassie muttered, lifting the blinds with her hand to peek out below them. She clicked her tongue. "Nothing. How long do you reckon it'll take?"

"Moody said somewhere between half to quarter of an hour," said Ginny, tapping her fingers on her knees distractedly. "How long has it been now?"

"Nearly an hour," Cassie replied, her eyes now glued to the clock on the Weasley wall that notified the current state of the family; Ron, Fred, George, Bill, and Mr. Weasley's hands were all pointed to 'mortal peril.' Cassie winced.

A few tense and silent moments passed before Ginny asked the same question again. Cassie couldn't bring herself to reply; she worried that if she opened her mouth, it would betray her by vomiting all over the Weasleys' carpet.

Finally, a lifetime later, there was a blue flash of light from behind the blinds and a loud squelching noise. The two girls stood at lightning speed and bolted out the door to see Harry and Hagrid struggling out of a crash-landed motorbike. Cassie immediately rushed over to greet them, not caring about the mud nor asking Harry a defense question to see if it really was Harry and not a Death Eater in disguise. At that point, she didn't care if he were Bellatrix Lestrange under Polyjuice – she was just glad to be able to hug him, alive and somewhat well.

She pulled away for a second to ask "What hap–?" before she was pulled back into the hug and cut off by Harry.

"They knew," he told her breathlessly. She peeled away from the hug, though kept her hands on his shoulders. "They knew I was being moved tonight. Isn't anyone back?"

   Cassie's face fell and her lower lip trembled as she shook her head. "You and Hagrid are the first."

   He broke eye contact and lowered his head a bit before continuing. "The Death Eaters were waiting for us. We were surrounded the moment we took off. I don't know what happened to anyone else, but four of them chased us, and then Voldemort caught up with us–"

   Harry stopped talking abruptly as Cassie threw her arms around his neck in a tight embrace again. "They'll be back," she whispered, the crack in her voice betraying her true colors. She squeezed her eyes shut and held onto Harry for another moment.

And then another burst of blue light tore them apart. George and Remus now stood in the spot where Hagrid had just moved his ruined motorbike from. Cassie instantly realized something was wrong; George's left side was drenched in blood and he was being heavily supported by Remus. Harry rushed over and took hold of the injured boy's legs, helping Remus carry George into the Burrow. Cassie followed quickly.

   "Merlin, what's wrong with him?" Cassie asked, though her question went ignored as Remus pinned Harry to the wall at wandpoint. Cassie made to push her godfather off of Harry, but Remus extended a hand and kept her back.

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