Taris: For a Price

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We situated Carth to sit beside the skyscraper wall while we still kept an eye out on the desolate Under City desert. At any moment, the pilot could turn into a shadow of himself and rip us to shreds. The young Twi'lek was shaking her head. The light had left her eyes along with any sort of hope that this situation could get better.

"I-I'm sorry. This is all my fault—"

"It's not your fault, damn it."

I buried my head into both of my hands. This pilot might have been an annoying prick but he was right about one thing. I couldn't do this alone. We could barely do this together. That and he still had a race to win!

And...the guy was starting to grow on me. Who was I going to snark at?

Carth, who had been motionless before, stirred. He looked like he wanted to berate me about something but the words never came when the back of his head hit the hard steel again

That's when I began to pace. How else was I going to get us out of this situation besides walking myself into a deeper hole?

"Is there a cure?" I asked the Twi'lek who was trying to follow my rushing figure.

She rubbed her hands. "Y-Yes but...only doctors in the Upper City have it. And the Sith. I doubt that we could—"

"Anyone else?"

I wasn't trying to scare the kid, really, but she needed to talk before the rakghoul poison could settle.

Mission shook her head. "I-I don't think so. No."


As I paced, I occasionally glanced towards Carth's face which was growing paler by the minute. He wouldn't last the hour in that condition and there went my chances of getting out of here. As I thought of the Sith who would eventually come to slaughter me, my gaze hovered towards the mutilated corpses of the squad. I stopped then squinted at one of the bodies.

A syringe?

My feet stomped across the dry soil as I half-ran towards the dead Sith troops without checking for landmines. Fortunately, my oversight wasn't punished by my immediate death as I bent over a rotting corpse. The reeking smell was not as disturbing as it should have been.

A syringe laid within the hands of the dead Sith who had been left alone by the creatures. A metal bottle was buried within the mud and I took it up within my gloved hand.

Rakghoul serum.

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Rakghoul serum? As in cure? It seemed that fate, once again, gave me a sign that I was in her favor. I wanted to wave the bottle around in triumph, however, if I did that the last remaining substance would spill out.

Instead, I ran over to Mission. Taking the syringe in a tender hand, I gave Carth a smirk and he raised his eyebrows in return.

"I hope you don't mind dirty Sith needles."

Now, I wasn't a medical doctor, but what was I supposed to do? I guessed around the area where a vein might be and decided to use it close to his injured shoulder. He didn't argue or question what I was doing when all of the green substance was inserted into his blood stream. I exhaled a held breath then smiled at Mission.

"That was too close..."

Carth moved to sit up more then winced in pain as he stretched his shoulder. His face appeared much less pale than before and he didn't look like he was on the brink of suffocation.

"Glad you...care so much about me..."

Was my thank you.

It was my turn to glare at him. Mission coughed.

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