Dantooine: Perfection

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Episode II: The Star Path

Four thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, WES GALE, newly initiated into the Jedi Order, trains underneath his patient MASTER ZHAR in the ways of the Force.

Still reminded of DARTH MALAK's destruction of the Outer Rim world Taris, the group that escaped its surface count the days until the Sith Lord unleashes his full might upon the Republic's forces.

A month has passed and each day Wes' knowledge of the Force grows. As he studies on the Outer Rim world of Dantooine, however, he has become restless and begins to question the teachings of the Jedi Order...


A gray planet coursed with lightning. Millions of screams shouted through the Force. Explosions. Death. Darkness.


A soft wind blew my shoulder-length hair with the motions of the grasses. Echoes from that odd vision disappeared with my meditation.

The nighttime Dantooine air was still, peaceful. The crickets chirped their usual greetings by the lakeside. I'd stayed out here for too long again. Kriff. Instead of rushing back to the Enclave, however, I leaned back over the golden grasses with a sigh.

When I first opened myself to the Force, it was as if I was alive after being dead for years. Master Zhar put me through the paces that first week. Physical training included runs around the Enclave, stances with a practice blade, and sparring with my fellow students. Of course, I'd been an ass at first—skipping my lessons out of protest—but after that first grueling week, the most important lesson began.

"Concentrate, Wes."

Master Zhar forced me to sit on a mat in front of a datapad. For once, I listened to him and closed my eyes in concentration. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes again and stared up at the pale red Twi'lek.

"Is...something supposed to happen?"

The Master's stern face dipped. "To connect with the Force requires great concentration and focus. You see I or Bastila or any other Jedi use the Force with ease, yet that is because we have practiced honing our concentration for years to make it appear effortless."

I stared down at the datapad. Years...did we have that long?

He must have sensed my hopelessness. "You, however, are a special case. You have been using the Force instinctively. So, again, concentrate. There is no emotion, there is peace. Clear your mind and move the datapad."

I sighed. He made it sound so easy. Still, I closed my eyes. A part of me wanted to prove to him that I could do what he asked.

Cool air. The distant smacking of practice blades. Shallow breathing. A strong pulse. There. In the heart was power. The air buzzed with it. There is no emotion, there is peace. Yet, I felt it. All I had to do was push with that feeling.

The datapad clattered to the linoleum floor. It had moved a foot away from me and it landed next to Master Zhar. I smiled up at him—the first smile I ever gave the stern Jedi. I thought he would have celebrated my success.

Only his celebration was muted.


I frowned. Somehow, he seemed more disappointed then impressed.

And that had to change.

After that, I attended all of the training sessions. Because using the Force was exhilarating. Why had I been so against it before? I enjoyed using it so much, that I took the time after hours to meditate by this lakeside. Alone. While I loved the feeling the Force gave me, the Masters insisted on control, discipline, order. I could only use the Force during particular lessons. Which left next to no time for...experimentation.

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