Tatooine: Anchorhead

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The shadow of a boot sank into the dune. Heat. Death. Power.

The ramp from a dark ship lowered. Two shadows marched out, bleak even underneath the piercing binary suns.

Malak—his eyes were consumed with something dark... pained .

And Revan. The red-gray mask didn't flinch as sands billowed into their faces.

"Do you sense it, Master?" Malak said. "The dark side."

Revan didn't respond, his mask ever stoic and cold. They were searching for something.

The Star Map.

Even within the vision, the dark side coursed down them in waves. These weren't the same fearful Jedi that searched for the Star Map on Dantooine. No, they were different. Consuming, powerful, evil.

Sands...blinded the senses.

They stopped before an enormous cave. Within the cave, a strange cold that never should have marked the desert seeped out like a taint.

A group of aliens and humans chatted around a campfire. One held up a mine, shaking his head. He addressed a green Twi'lek. "Come on—the Jedi isn't that incapable, Komad. He's—"

That's when they spotted the Sith.

The group jumped from the ground and picked up their weapons.

"Who are you?" shouted one of the aliens.

After a moment, the green Twi'lek lowered his rifle, face astonished. "Wait, I know that mask from the HoloNews! You're Revan the hero of the Republic," the Twi'lek, Komad, said. "But...what are you doing here? The whole galaxy thinks you're dea—"

Revan raised a gloved hand, squeezing. The green Twi'lek dropped his weapon, the whites of his eyes popping as he reached for his neck, trying desperately to breath. The rest of the team froze with their shaky weapons, shouting for the dark Jedi to stop.

But he didn't.

A crack. The Twi'lek fell to the ground, dead. The group glanced between each other before dropping their weapons.

"We surrender!" one shouted—a human. "Just don't—!"

Without even lowering his hand, the dark lord of the Sith threw a bolt of lightning at the human, charring the already humid air. The man screamed, tearing at his face as it melted off, the smell of burnt flesh mixing with salted sweat. The screams stopped as soon as the man hit the ground, face blackened and forever frozen in terror.

The group grew silent.

Then all at once they became frantic, raising their hands, dropping to the ground, pleading for their lives.

That monster acted as if he hadn't heard them. He took a silver object in his hand from his belt—a lightsaber—and walked up to one.

The man whimpered. "Mercy—"

The red blade pierced into the man's neck. The body of the man fell with a thump in the sands. Before he moved to kill the others, someone called out from behind. A Jedi stood, green blade ignited, his face horrified. The man took a stance, head shaking slowly at the presence of the two dark Jedi.

"Why are you doing this? the Jedi asked, shaking. "Why?"

Malak stepped forward, face eager. "Let me kill the Jedi, Master. I will make him suffer."

Revan raised a hand in front of his apprentice. Darth Malak looked almost disappointed. He's growing defiant.

The Jedi took a step back, lightsaber raised.

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