"A little bird told me..."

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No one's pov:

Rachel woke up this morning with a feeling of warmth and happiness inside of her. Yesterday she admitted to herself that maybe she has a tiny little crush on the Y/H/C beauty. The tiny diva thought that she had a chance with Y/N, yes, she knows about her crush on Quinn but she stills thinks she could get the girl, if she plays her cards right, she has a possibility on having something more than just friendship with Y/N.

After having breakfast with her fathers, she bid farewell to them and made her way to school.

She walks happily through the halls, now she doesn't have to be careful with having a slushie thrown in her face, those stopped as soon as she started dating the quarterback and became friends with Santana's cousin, too afraid of Y/N because of her being related to Santana.

A frown appears in Rachel's face after not seeing her friend in her locker, usually Y/N waits for her there and they walk together to their first class, which they share. Walking to an empty hallway she sees Santana and Y/N talking, the latter one seems stressed and angry while her cousin just looks utterly confuse, Rachel decides not to listen to their conversation but the gossip inside her tells her otherwise, so she smoothly hides in an open locker and tries to listen to what they are saying.

Rachel's pov:

"We need to talk, I think Rachel might have developed a crush on me" wow, Am I that oblivious, I almost laugh at the look on Santana's face "Isn't she in love with Lumps the Clown?" Why is she asking this, I told them I broke up with Finn two weeks ago "Who told you I paid attention to anything that came out of Gayberry's mouth or her in general" well, there's my answer. The conversation keeps going, a threat is thrown Santana's way with a harsh glare to accompany it. But the next comment gets my attention "You seem so stressed maybe you could relief some with Quinn" the comment itself doesn't have anything to do with my heart being broken, it's the reaction of Y/N, the small blush that appears on her face as she tries to grab Santana's arm, makes me realize that I will never stand a chance against Quinn.

I turn around when my vision starts getting blurry, knowing that in any moment I will burst into tears, so my best option is going to a bathroom and crying my heart out in a stall, it sounds miserable but that's how I feel right now.


After crying for over an hour, dramatic as always, and missing first period, I've felt this feeling of revenge growing inside of me. Right now, I'm sitting in my last class before glee thinking of how to set free that revenge, if I'm being honest, I never thought that Y/N had a chance with Quinn, the blonde cheerleader dated Finn for a whole year before Finn started dating me, I accepted being part of the plan in hopes to get closer to Y/N, in that moment I had mistaken my feelings as just friendly. Suddenly an idea pops in my head, if Quinn knew about Y/N's feelings, she would totally freak, as she doesn't like Y/N and after telling Y/N this the other girl would be heartbroken. The only problem is that Quinn doesn't know about this feelings. The bell rings interrupting my thoughts, I walk to glee not feeling as miserable as before.

Quinn's pov:

My eyes are focus on the words written in one of the pages of my favorite book, which I'm reading as I wait for glee to start, people are filling the choir room talking but I'm too focused on my book to actually care, that's before said book is snatched from my hands and the face of Rachel Berry appears on my view "What do you want?" My voice is cold and harsh, I still remember the scene that I saw a few days ago, the jealousy still in me "I want to tell you something interesting that I heard today" I raise an eyebrow at her tone "And why would I be interested?" her lips turn upwards just a little bit, but her face is so close to mine that I notice "Because it has something to do with you" my other eyebrow joins it's twin, showing her that now she has my attention "I heard that Y/N has more than just friendly feelings for you" after hearing that, I've had to admit that my heart beats faster, is it true?, I know Rachel can't lie to save her life but maybe she has been practicing "And from who did you hear this?" "From the Y/N Lopez herself" she drops the book on my lap and goes to find a sit with a new air of confidence.

My mouth drops after hearing this, the thought of finally having the opportunity to ask her out makes me warm inside.

I'm talking to her after Glee, if it's not real then I will just have to murder Rachel Berry but if it is then I could have a date with the girl of my dreams. Either way I win.


After Glee I follow Y/N to her car while giving myself a quick pep talk as I do so, finally in her car I call out her name "Y/N wait!" she stops and turns around sending me a soft smile when she sees its me, I slowly approach her, now standing next to her "Hi Q! Haven't heard from you in a while, what's up?" feeling nervous I start playing with my fingers, questioning if this was a good decision, a soft hand makes contact with mine and when I realize it's Y/N's I blush furiously "Ummmm... well, A little bird told me that umm you were crushing on me- "her eyes go wide and, in that moment, I know that it was true. Y/N immediately starts apologizing but I cut her off "no, don't apologize, I was actually going to tell you about this girl that I told you about. Well, she has the most beautiful Y/E/C eyes, the way they light up when she talks about something is the most adorable thing in the world. I love her Y/H/C hair, her beautiful body and that smile that never fails to put one in my face, I also love that I know everything about her because we grew up together and how her cousin is one of my best friends. How she is of the best friends that I have had and how she always believes in others and always sees the bright side of things. But most importantly I love her. And that girl is you, Y/N. When you moved away, I was so upset, I thought that you would forget us, forget me, but you never did. You kept your promise, and call everyday and when you came back, I thought that my opportunity of finally letting you know how I felt was here, so here I'm telling you that I like you as much as I think you like me" I catch my breath after talking for so long, my eyes watching hers, which have tears in her eyes, both of us frozen in place, that's before she wraps her arms around my waist and mine's go automatically to her neck, our foreheads touch and her eyes look for any sign of insecurity but as she finds none she leans in and connects our lips in the best kiss I have ever had. My eyes close and I literally see fireworks.

We unfortunately separate our lips because of the need of air. A smile grows in my face and another one grows in Y/N's. I can believe it I finally kiss the girl of my dreams.

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