"First Day"

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Today is the day all highschool students hate. When the summer and holidays end and hell begins, the first day of highschool. Right now I'm in the car with Santana, a comfortable silence surrond us, both thinking how this day is gonna turn out. The car stops moving, signaling that we reached our destiny. We both get out of the car, Santana in her Cheerios uniform and I in some jeans and a T-shirt.

We spot Brittany at her locker talking to a guy in a wheelchair, looking over to Santana I see the fury and jealousy in her eyes, I stifle a laugh by biting my lip as we approach them. Santana shots him a glare and turns to greet the blonde as I introduce myself to him, determinate to make friends, "Hi I'm Y/N, I just move here" the boy shakes my hand "Nice to meet ya, I'm Artie" "Hi Britt" "Hi Y/N, I was asking Artie if he knew how to keep Lord Tubbington from smoking, sooo do you?" Now she's looking at Artie, Santana looks at him, daring Artie to say something which will hurt Brittany's feelings as Artie stare at both of them with a 'Wtf' look on his face. "I'm sorry Brittany, but I don't know how to do that?" He turns around as fast as he can and starts wheeling himself far away from us.

After getting my schedule and the number of my locker, we stop at my locker to talk a little bit more, as we approach it, Quinn is standing there looking rather bored. I decided to scare her, so I walk as silently as I can and... "BOO!" she jumps, her elbow connecting with my chin and her books dropping to the floor. "Oh my god!" "Ow!" I bend down to collect her books when I feel a hand touching mine a blush spreads across my face knowing who that hand belongs to, trying to hide my blush I fail to notice Quinn doing the same thing. San snickers behind us but the sound stops as fast as it started when Brittany slaps her arm.

Santana's pov:

"What woud you do that?" I ask with a playful glare to Brittany "Stop making fun of them, I think they're cute" "Well I'm sorry but their cuteness just makes me wanna throw up" Brittany rolls her eyes and that's when I know she's spending too much time with me "I have a plan" I stay in silence waiting her to continue but she stays silent "Britt, what's the plan" "Ohh, emmm I have class with Y/N and you and Q have the same class, so we talked to them about theirfeelings for each other and then we encourage them to ask the other on a date" she finishes with a big smile in her face "Even tough is not a bad plan I don't think is going to be that easy" "Well atleast we could try it" I sigh in annoyance at her stubborn personality but I nod anyways , Brittany squeals and pulls me in a tight hug. The bell rings and the four of us go our separate ways. 

I look at Quinn for a moment deciding if this is a good moment to talk, maybe it's too soon but Brittany is going to do it now  so I'll have to do it either way. Watching Quinn from the corner of my eye I ask the question. "So when were you going to tell me about your big fat crush for my cousin?" she stops dead in her tracks and I can see a faint of red in her cheeks "What are you talking about?" "Cut the crap Tubbers, I know you're in denial or that you just don't want to admit it, but I know how you feel about her" one of my free hands moves to her arm "That's not true you don't know anything about me" she smacks my hand away and walks to class. 

I sigh in frustration, and make my way to class thinking how did it go with Brittany and Y/N.

Y/N's pov:

I can feel Brittany thinking when we part ways with Q and my cousin, I'm courious of what is she keeping away from me but that doesn't last long when she finally talks "Y/N/N, do you have a crush on Quinn" Well that was very straight foward, not wanting anyone to hear our conversation I grab her arm softly and push her in an empty room "What makes you think that, Britt?" "Well, the way you look at her is the same way I look at Sanny" Now I really don't know what to tell her, the tought of someone knowing about my crush for Quinn is really relieving but at the same time I don't want Brittany telling anybody about it. "Look Britt I'm gonna be honest with you, I do feel something for Quinn-" she squeal but I held my hand up so she can let me finish the sentence "  You can't tell anybody, I don't want Quinn to hear about it for someone who is not me, so could you manage to keep it as it is, a secret" "Yes, pinky promise" she held her pinky up and I interlace my own with her, smiling as I do so. "Thank you" I whisper softly.


Santana's pov:

I reunite with Brittany in the hallway after our last class, Quinn and Y/N ahead of us laughing of something YN/ just said. "So how was the talk?" the blonde at my left ask "Quinn is either in denial or she just doesn't want to admit it, she hasn't talk to me after that, how was yours?" She leans down to whisper in my ear "Y/N did confess her feelings but I think she's too afaid of telling her, even though both of us can see the way they look at each other" I turn to look at Y/N a little hurt she didn't tell me before. 

On my way to my bedroom an idea pops in my head, a smirk makes it's way to my face. This is going to be so much fun.

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